Heart break and shock

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Junior pov- it's been almost a month since we lost our beautiful little principessa Marcela I haven't been to work papa told me he would handle it that I should just stay by Camila and are son Massimo, she cries every night waking up screaming holding Massimo and keeping him close gives her some comfort but I can see this has broken her, it has broken me too but I have to be strong for her for our son,
I have tried to get her to talk to a therapist but she said she didn't want to she doesn't need to she just needs Massimo and I, so I let it go but I am still worried about her the light that shined so bright in her eyes have all but gone I only see a glimmer of it when she looks at Massimo he is our only connection to Marcela.
I snap out of deep thoughts when Camila wakes up screaming which wakes Massimo up she picks him up and holds him close I wrap my arms around the both of them, whispering sweet nothings into her ears rubbing soothing circles on her back until she goes back to sleep I then take Massimo from her arms and put him back into his crib.

Levi pov-

Will you shut that kid up, all it does is cry, fucken hell if I didn't need this kid alive to get what I want I would have killed it just like I got the baby I stole killed

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Will you shut that kid up, all it does is cry, fucken hell if I didn't need this kid alive to get what I want I would have killed it just like I got the baby I stole killed.
You see Diana one of the woman That got a job working as a nurse in the Cruz house took a photo of her then Tamina the other took a baby from the hospital that looked like there daughter, she killed that baby in front of Camila to break her which from what Diana told me it worked she got away but that Idiot Tamina couldn't bring the boy the heir to the cruz family.
Now why did I only make them think there precious baby girl was killed well simply I know that the woman in the family are there treasures.
I was gunna wait for at least two months but I think I will set my plan into motion now cause I can't take this dam crying baby.
I will text her and let her know then send my gift, I have no more use for it.

Back at the Cruz Mansion

Camila pov- I woke up tears Automatically start to flow, I turn to Massimo my little prince my only connection to Marcela my Precious little princess, the pain of her loss still burns my heart Junior has barely left our side not even for work he only ever leaves to get me food to make sure I eat he could get the maids to do it but he said he wanted to do him self, Massimo has been sleeping with us in our room I couldn't bring myself to go into there nursery or leave Massimo there I am scared that they will come back and get Massimo. I can't lose him too.
I hear the shower running letting me know Junior is in there, I hear my phone buzzing I look at the msg just as Junior comes on and I am frozen from shock just in a daze starring at it, I am guessing Junior noticed and crabbed it of me.
I slowly snap back to Reality and look up at him his eyes go pitch black and I can see the rage filled his eyes.
The banging on the door snaps us both completely out if it.

Junior- What?

Mateo- sorry Fratello, Camila but you might want to see this.

Junior- what is it?

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now