Torturous punishment

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Junior pov- when we got this crazy bitch back to the mansion she was put straight into the cell of our basement waiting for her punishment for messing with the mist powerful family in the world but before I deal with her I have to check up on three of the most important people in my life well make that four cause my child that grows inside her.
I had them put Camila and our children in the same room cause I know when they are sick they only want her well that is a bit if an over stretch because my principessa always wants me.
As soon as I go into the room my heart warms up seeing them up and the colour on the faces returned.
Jeremy and Zio Gustavo said that he flushed the arsenic out  of there system they will still be a little weak for a week or two but with the antibiotics that is going through the catheter they will be fine but it was a close call lucky my baby by girl caught on and called me right away I would hate to think if she didn't want could of happened.

Junior- hows my babies doing( I go to my kids and kids there cheeks and of course my sweet little principessa clings to me like a monkey
Which only makes me laugh then I kiss my beautiful wife)
Whoop I think I forgot one more( I lift up her shirt and kiss her belly to which she laughs at)

Junior- how are you baby

Camila- better did find out who did it?

Junior- yes I did I have her down in the cells I wanted to see you all first before I deal with her.

Camila- her? Who was it, you better not kill her I will be the one to end her completely after what she did to our kids to me and our unborn child.

Junior- it was your PA Bianca, I will leave her barley alive but she will be alive for you. ( kissed her forehead)

Camila- good now go there and deal ( I covered our kids ears again) with that bitch, I want answers.

Junior- of course baby, okay papa has to go handle some business I will be back later tonight we can watch what ever movie you want.

Junior pov- I went straight downstairs into the basement, she was already tightly secured in the electric chair.
Her face paled as she saw me she started to shake the fear in her eyes filled me joy and pride. good that's what I want to see.

Junior- comfortable I had them bring you this seat special, in fact I brought this for the person who has been trying to kill my wife, and then going after our children.
So relax  we are just getting started now you will tell me  why you targeted  my wife and my kids

Bianca pov - I was shaking in fear this was not  how this was supposed to know, I need to get out of here, if I do I can tell the police what they did I mean what kinda person has a cell and an Electric chair in there home, who the hell are they.

Junior ( smack ) snap of of it , I know you are probably wondering  why I didn't turn you in, you may also wonder who has a cell in there home well I will tell you since the only way you will leave is in a body bag full of cement.
Bianca you crazy bitch I am the king of the Mafia and my wife she, she is the queen and you tried to kill her and our children and judging by your facial expression I can tell that you are just realising what fate lies for you.
Now I will ask you one more time and if you do not answer hahahahaha..... well My brother Alejandro here will pull that leather and  2000 volts of electricity or course through your body but don't worry I won't do it for long we don't want you do die just yet, you see I promised my wife your former boss that she could be the one to end your I  pathetic  existence.

Bianca- w...what I...I s....sorryyy.... , I won't s...ay a....anything l....let g....go...( crying )

Junior- shut the hell up with your crying, you are not leaving you will stay right here and be punished every day until my wife if better then she will end your life as she see fit.
She doesn't seem to want to cooperate Alejandro pull the levier.

Junior pov - I watch him pull it down and I face her to see smoke coming from her body we put our gas mask on cause the smell isn horrible I watch her body jerk and her eyes back.

Junior- alright Fratello that's enough turn it off.
Hahhaa seems we fried a lot of your brain cells your drooling and your eyes can't seem to Focus are you ready to talk or do you want another round.

Bianca pov- I shake my head, I haven't stopped shaking my heart fills like it's about to stop I can't even Focus, I hope I get the words out I don't think I can take anymore, even though he said he wouldn't kill me.

Bianca- I....I f....elll..... i...i...n  l....lloveeee..... w....w...with y....ou.
Y...You gave.... M...m...meee m...e sc....h...olarship. I...I W...wanted t...h...em... o..ut

Junior pov- this bitch is crazy then I thought I give out scholarships to a lot of kids my papa and mama did to, sure they had there run in's with a lot of people trying to come between them and pull some shit but man they where always people that new them never the Under privilege kids they help by giving now a full scholarship for the College of their choice.

Junior- you are more fucked up then I thought, my family has helped out high school and college kids who can't pay the tuition, we do it to help better there life and what do you do with it you throw that away because you have some sick delusional thought that I would ever be with you.
Julian get her ass out of this seat and chain her to wall I don't think she will survive another round on the electric chair and I promised Camila I would keep her alive and leave the killing to her.

Julian- you got capo ( I took her out and drag her ass up and made her face the wall while I chain her there.)
She all ready capo

Junior- prefect , now Bianca as you lay down in your cell tonight I want you to remember what's coming tomorrow hahah here's a Preview.
( I cracked the whip across her back over and over again)

Bianca- AHHHH!!!!!! AHHHH!!!! PLEASE!!!! ( crying ) STOP!!!!

Junior- stop , stop did you say stop, did you stop poisoning my wife, did you stop your self from mixing arsenic with my twin milk, "NO!!! You kept doing it over and over again so now I won't stop!!!
( I cracked the whip over her 10 more times before I made myself stop, as much as I didn't want to I know if I didn't I would end up killing this bitch and I did promise my baby that she could do it)
Put her in the cell Julian, and make sure its the ones with the electrical wires throughout it.
I don't want her to get any idea of escaping no that she could anyways.
Well have a pleasant night Bianca I'll see you tomorrow for a your torture session.

Junior pov- I had some clothes already here I had a quick shower and got dressed then headed upstairs to spend some family time with my wife and kids I also brought all there favourite snacks.

Junior- hey who's ready for a movie night, so what movie do you want to watch.

Massimo- we we decided we want to do a Harry Potter movie marathon.

Junior- okay we can watch that but not all in one night maybe two tonight cause you also need you rest so you can get better quicker.

Marcela- okay papa come on we saved you a spot here.

Junior- okay principessa ( I kissed her forehead)
Baby girl are you feeling okay do you need some pain relief I will call Jeremy to come.

Camila- no I am fine I am just happy that we all here save together.

Junior- and we always will be, I will never let anything happen to you and our kids your all my forever and always.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now