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Junior pov- The atmosphere was slight, the pain of what happened to Alejandro was written all everyone's face,
The anticipation was daunting, they have been in there hours we the Domingo's zio Gustavo has been with our family for years we trust him and his son we call him Jr Domingo but his not really a Junior his name is Jeremy we didn't grow up together cause Zio Gustavo only found out about him when he was 16 his 25 know his mother hid the truth but only came clean right before she pasted away and then zio Gustavo was told with out question he jumped on a plane and brought him back here, and in the years his been he has proven himself so we all know they will do anything for Alejandro,
I feel someone rubbing my back and head I look down at my coniglia with tear stained face looking at me trying to comfort me.

Camila- his going to be okay, I know it, I can feel it, Alejandro is strong and he is a Cruz after all you men are all stubborn and refuse to ever roll over and take orders from anyone, that and none of you ever want your bug ego's to deflate ( weak smile trying to lighten his mood)
So I know Alejandro will not roll over and give up he will fight to live then he will kill who ever is responsible for shooting him, so concentrate on finding Mila and when you do torture her all you what but you let Alejandro end her life the way he wants too.

Junior pov - Can't believe this girl, she was truly born to a the greatest Belladonna my very own Mafia queen I wrapped my arms around her and his her on her lips I look to my family all smiles on there faces and what she said about all the Cruz men, she not lying.

Junior- thank you coniglia, you always do know what to say.

Dr G  Domingo pov - My son and I along with some nurses have finally finished with Alejandro surgery, my heart dropped when they told me, I haven't felt this much pain since Miguel got shot in basically the same place I brought this boy into the world I watch him grow up that's why I came running I may be retired but something's are Worth coming back for and this boy is one of them and my son well he has taken over my position but I didn't think he was ready to handle something as big as this on his own and I was right I mean he just finished medical school but he did really well, I am proud of him.
I made my way out of the operating room to go tell everyone that Alejandro will be fine it missed his heart and Junior he did an excellent job I don't think he would be alive if he didn't stop the bleeding.

Miguel- Gustavo how is he, hows mio Figlio, tell me his still alive, Tell me I didn't lose him.

Dr G Domingo- Miguel capo calm down , he is going to be okay the bullet just missed his heart, If it wasn't for Junior taken the bullet out and stopping the bleeding the bullet would have move it self and pierced his heart, you did well figlio you saved your brother he would have been dead if you didn't do what you did, you should be very proud.
All of you may see him now.

Junior pov- my family and I went inside the room, I swear it just looks like his sleeping, I look over at Mateo and he gives me that look, I just mouth to him later I know what his asking but before we tell the family about Lena we have to have to talk to Alejandro about it, I have already ask a few of my men to watch her she hasn't left yet she actually doesn't leave for a week, they will also keep me updated if anything changes, if she is carry my brother's baby she isn't going anywhere.

Miguel- figlio, figlio wake up please even if it's just for a minute I just have to see your okay with my own eyes ( crying)

Angel- oh my sweet baby boy, open your eyes for me ( tears come down as I kiss his cheek)

Alejandro- you know I expected mama to cry , but never you papa.
Mama I'm okay please no crying you know We all hate it when you cry.

Angel pov- couldn't help the flooding of tears that poured down as I heard my baby boys voice, I am just so happy he is awake and alive, I rushed over and threw my arms around him holding him tight, Miguel came over and wrapped his arms around the both of us his eyes water with his own tears.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now