Someone stealing from my family

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Junior pov-  After Alexia was gone I called Eric to start looking for a new PA for me, I put a movie for my kids and some toys for them to play with too while I went through some paper work signing some important documents, thats when I notice something odd when I was going through the company account there is some money missing, "what the fuck, who the hell has been dipping in our company funds it's only 50,000 it's nothing to me but it's the principal of it.
I glanced over at my kids seeing them happily playing, I take a deep breath trying to calm myself down I didn't want to lose it in front of my kids, they do not need to see that side of me.
I picked up my phone to call my papa so I can tell him, cause if he finds this shit out all hell is going to break lose.

Miguel- Figlio

Junior- papa you to come to the office there is something you need to know it's better if you come here and see it your self, tell Zio Dino to come too.

Miguel- what's going on Figlio, why does Dino need to come.

Junior- papa trust me, just come it's better you see this first hand.

Miguel- I am on my way ciao Figlio

Junior ciao papa (hangup )

Junior pov - after I ended the call with papa I got up and walked over to my kids to play with them .

Junior- hey you too having fun

Massimo- papa...papa look my car, it like papa's

Junior- I can see it is just like mine, would you like a ride on car just like this one.

Massimo- yeah I drive real fast

Marcela- papa look its Anna and Christophe there in love papa Just like me and Adriano

Junior- what who is this Adriano principessa, you will never have a boyfriend ever I will never allow anyone to take my principessa away

Marcela- no papa he is ( sticking her tongue out )

Miguel- hahaha welcome to been a father of a daughter figlio
Mia principessa no boys your gunna hurt papa

Marcela- otay Nonno

Junior pov- I didn't know weather to laugh or cry
At this little girl of mine.
She still glaring at me, haha she really looks like her mama when she looks like that.

Junior- okay you too, you stay here and okay and once we are done I will take you to get some ice cream.
( I love seeing the smiles on there faces it's one of the reason I live a breath for )
Papa, Zio come I will show you, we have to get to the bottom of it.

Junior pov- I scrolled through everything showing them that every month for the past 4 months someone has been taking money.

Miguel- Dino I want more cameras especially in the finance department there the ones that had more access to make it happen but I still want every one Monitored carefully and the person or persons responsible to me immediately.

Dino - I am on it Capo we will get to the bottom of it.

Miguel- I am going, get to bottom this I want an answer by the end of today.
I am taking Massimo and Marcela with me I need some one to calm me down, since your mama went shopping, stay here Junior help Dino I am also gunna send your brother's and Markus here too.
Massimo, Marcela your coming with Nonno we will go to the mall and go shopping Nonno will buy you whatever you want and we will meet up with Nonna how does that sound.

Massimo/ Marcela- yeah lets go Nonno

Miguel pov- I took my two grandkids and left I needed to calm down and these two are little rays of sunshine I need, I called Alejandro, Mateo and Markus to go straight to Cruz industries we have a problem that needs fixing.
I would have stay and fixed it but I need to see if my ragazzi ( boys ) can handle this, I will give them a day then I will step in, I would have stepped down and been on a private world Cruse with Angel but everything that has been happening lately and poor Camila who hasn't woken up yet, its not the right time.
Once I got the two little ones in there car seats I told him to head to the mall, I told Angel I was coming to her with a surprise.

Back at Cruz Industries

Junior- Zio have you found anything yet, are all the other extra cameras up yet.

Dino - yes and I put in a software that will notify you if someone is taking money and that money isn't going to any of investors we will know.

Junior - good the sooner we catch them the better ( my phone goes of it's the monitors I put in Camila room I look over and see I woman I have never seen it appears she has a needle in her hand, I press the button alerting her guard once I see the woman been taken I told the guards to take what was in the needle and give to Jeremy, I told them I will deal with who ever that was later,
She had A mask on so I didn't see her face nor do I care too.
Know that I know Camila is safe again I walk back in the room and my brother's snd Markus is there he starts hacking to to find the person responsible for this, papa wants the answers today and he will get it even if this takes us all night long to get it.

5 hours later

Markus - I got it, This is it I know it, its just loading it the information about the person who has been stealing.
Junior isn't that your PA Alexa

Junior- fuck, it was that bitch all along.
Markus send her picture to a few of the boys I want her ass in the basement of the Cruz mansion ASAP.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now