Mafia kids in training

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Camila pov- After a hole lot of complaining and arguing to Junior about how unfair he was been plus me not talking to him the hole morning I finally got him to cave in and now the girls and I can train with the boys ,the girls do train but they said it wasn't as much or as intense.
I am really looking forward to it, I want to be able to protect myself and anyone else if need be Junior and his brothers can't always be there and if Mila and that back stabbing bitch Tammy who I thought was my friend as well as that guy Saul when then come after me I will be ready.

Diamond- omg I can't believe you actually convinced him to let us all do it hell there even letting Lilliana join in and the funny thing is Lilliana wants to do it and Dominic doesn't he just wants to play his video games.

Camila- yeah but it won't be as intense when we go to school Monday
Junior said his papa will be here and your papa as well along with Mateo and Alejandro.
Junior said his papa wanted him to handle few things at the office and he will be back late afternoon.
I am kinda glad he is and you imagine how he would react and what if one of his brothers unintentionally hurt me he would loose it.

Miracle- Dam right he would hahah, come on girls there all waiting for you they told me to go get you both so move your lazy asses and lets head to the gym.

Cruz Industry- Junior

Junior pov - I am just getting into my office now Camila wouldn't let me go she kept arguing about   Me no letting her and the girls train I finally gave up and agreed, not going to lie but seeing her so happy warmed my heart and brought me complete joy and I haven't felt like in so long not since the last time we where together.
As soon as I got there Miss Jenny Anderson came running up to me with my office batting her eyelashes at me trying to flirt with me can't wait for  Oliva  to return so I can get this desperate bitch out of my office but papa always hirers interns and since she does college classes online she can also work to which is why she got it.

Jenny- how are this morning Mr Cruz I hope your doing as well as you clearly look.
Your meeting with knight corp starts in a hour then at 4.30 you have a meeting with The Taylor Brother's Shipping company.
Then 6.00 is your last meeting with  the fasion icon Sable Saintana.
I know you said I can finish at 5 but maybe I could stay with you for Sable Saintana meeting keep you company she is said to put her claws into every sexy single successful man and you are both sexy and single.

Junior- There is no need for that, you will go home and I will say this once and only once.
1 . If you want to continue working her you need to start wearing proper office attire.
2. Stop all the flirting I am not or will I ever be interested in someone as desperate as you.
3.I have a woman, my girl who I love more anything in this world, so stop trying
4 . If you do not stop you will be fired and stripped of your internship.

So miss Anderson Are we clear ?

Jenny- Mr Cruz, ..... s....sorry

Junior pov- her face was flash red both embarrassment and fear across her face
Perfect just want I wanted to see and feel.
This girl better remember her place and not do anything stupid and she better have the meeting room set up before mr Knight gets here.
I still got 30 minutes to go before he gets here I decided to look through all the paperwork we have on Mr knight and his company to see weather he will be a great asset to our companies,
So far everything I see looks promising.
Once I was done with looking through everything I head to the conference room I see Miss Anderson make her way but when glare from me and she has her answer that I do not want her in the room.
After an hour in a half

The meeting with Mr knight went well and once our lawyers have gone through our contracts we will sign him will have a further meeting to sign the contracts.
I still had about 2 hours before I meet with the brothers shipping industries,
So I decided to have lunch and call Camila

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now