Finally goodbye to mama & papa

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Junior pov - I feel num I am physically standing there but my heart and mind are not, We got the reports there bodies where to badly burnt that they had to Identify them through there teeth, and there Jewellery.
They new straight away it was my papa, The insignia ring which symbolises our family.
My sister is worse then all of us, we are all worried about her given the fact that she is pregnant.
Today is the day we bury them laying them
To there final resting place beside the rest of our family that have pasted on.
I really just want to destroy everything in my path, but I know I can't I am the head of the family, they need me to be strong, I need to be strong for them. My breathing becomes laboured, It still feels like it isn't real, my heart slowly starts to calm down as I feel comforting arms of mio piccola coniglia (my little bunny )
We have them in a double coffin just like papa wanted in the event they die together he wanted her to stay in his arms for eternity they left they this world with my papa holding my mama protectively in his arms, when there bodies came to us that's how they where.

Massimo - papa why are we here, what that big box

Junior- ( I Crouch down to his level ) figlio it's not a box it's a coffin and Nonna and Nonno are in there, god has called them home to heaven so they must go.

Massimo- but I want them here tell them to come back.

Junior- figlio they will always be with you okay.
To pass away is not to leave this world it is simply to go home to the lord for when he calls your name you can not deny him, you simply take his hand and join him in eternal peace.
But remember figlio they may not be here where you can see them but there Spirit and love shall forever be in our hearts and our memories.

Camila pov- I wrapped my arms back around him we where all just holding each other as the Priest was talking.
I feel so hopeless, I now Junior feels want happen as his fault and now the The weight of the family Sollee rest on his shoulders.
It will take time but I know we will all raise up stronger and with Zio Miguel and Zia Angel watching over us we will be strong them ever.

Alejandro pov- it's still feel like a bad dream that I am going to wake up from, I  know this was no accident, someone planted a bomb or started the firer by leaking gas, the problem is who?
As far as I know we are the only ones that know about there trip that they were on there private yacht.
"Shit I have to talk to Junior, I think I know who was behind it, but it can wait till after we lay them to rest.
I walk over to there coffin and touch the top of it
Silently promising to end the one responsible.
I stood back a watch every one that loved our parents there was not a dry eye in this hole place which will make it easy tracking  her down.

(Few hours later)

Alejandro- Junior we need to talk in private

Junior- sure let's just wait for Mateo

Alejandro- no just us.

Junior- okay where alone , why didn't you want Mateo in here why all the secrecy.

Alejandro- you and I both now that this was no accident, but who want to hurt papa and mama all the treats we once had are long go, well until one discovered how and who killed her mother.
Are family is the only one that new when they where leaving what kinda yacht they have and when and where they were  headed.

Junior- Heavenly-Grace? " you really think she would be capable of  doing this, especially by her self, even with everything she found out she was still very timid she waited for all of us not to be here before she left.

Alejandro- yes I do and for someone so smart, you acting really stupid, when she found out she kept her park for a year, we all just thought she was always to quite and kept to her self  we didn't think she was gunna leave and take are money but she did, she may not have taken all my she took enough and for her to take that much and wire it to a secret account she had without none of us knowing, it says she is smarter tuffer  then we gave her credit for.

Junior- your right, we will reach out to all the families to look out for her and take her but make sure she is alive they all know she left him, make sure they also know not mention this to Mateo, he doesn't need this right now.
You wanna come down we are ending Bianca well Camila is she wanted to kill her the day we buried mama and papa she said it was like a gift to them to kill the bitch that tried to kill there grandkids, I didn't at first but she gave me that look so I caved in.

Alejandro- sure I need some thing to make me feel better, I never thought this day would come so soon Fratello.

Junior- neither did I.

Junior pov- we walk out of my office and headed to the basement waiting by the door was Camila, my baby girl, with a devilish grin on her face.

Camila- come on hurry up I want to end this pathetic bitch so I can get back to our babies there very upset they even told me I was lying that Nonno and Nonna will come back.
What are we gunna do( crying)

Junior- hey baby look at me , they will be fine it will take some time but I promise you they will be okay, they still have us not to mention the rest of our family.
No dry those tears,  that bitch shouldn't see you this way, the only thing she should see when she look at you is her worthless pathetic life flash before your eyes.

Camila- okay , I am good lets go.

Camila pov- all this sadness and anger that built up inside me , was the reason I wanted to do this today I wanted to let in all out on her then execute her.
I see the guards where about to put her on the  Electric chair.

Camila- Stop!! Strap her to the table lay her on her belly, rip that shirt of her and  get me a bucket of  ice water  and some rags.

Camila pov- I grabbed the rag and soaked it into the bucket of ice water taking it out and turning the cloth till it looked like a tight rope then I brought it above my head bringing it down hard on her back  over and over again her skin started to rip open and blood started to pour out.
Her screams where all anyone could here, no one dare to stop me.

Camila- put her in the electric chair now, "pull it

Camila pov- I watch her body shake her eyes started to roll back as soon as I new if I didn't stop it she would die I told them to cut it off this bitch isn't dying like this I have something special, Zia Angel gave it to me it is this really big and beautiful craving knife she said Zio Miguel had it made special for her.
I walk up to Bianca and she looks at me with a shaky breath trembling in fear, mmmm just want I want to see and feel.

Camila- now that you are looking at  me in the eyes I can say enjoy rotting in her bitch ( I slit her throat from ear to ear)

Camila- clean this shit up,  come on amore , come Alejandro let's get back and be with our children I know how much they are missing them.

Junior- baby girl I got some of your clothes here, go in there and have a quick shower you can't go back up there cover in blood.

Camila- I suppose not, I wasn't even thinking about the blood, you go up I will be there in a few minutes.

Junior- Okay , if I am not there when you get there don't stress okay I just have to take care of something first okay.
We will talk about it tonight ( I kissed her cheek and walk out)

Junior pov- I walk back out side to where mama and papa have been buried.
I bowed my head and sat on the ground not knowing what to truly say every one including my brother's and sister even my wife but me it was like someone took my voice away and I froze, I couldn't talk I just stood there with my hand on top of the coffin.
I decided just to lay there beside them
For a while I know they know what I feel and what I want to say and they also now me so well so even if I am laying there in silence I my present alone will mean a lot to them.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now