Finale ( together in peace, but for how long)

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Junior pov- so there you have it, 10 years later , mio Fratello found his real forever and always, sure she fought him every step of the way but she caved in and let's face it she still fights with him which I know Mateo loves they both had walls up, which they boths knocked down, they are truly meant for each other.
They got married 6 months after he laid his claim on her, Gabriel absolutely adores her, she is a wonderful mother, they also had a daughter.

They got married 6 months after he laid his claim on her, Gabriel absolutely adores her, she is a wonderful mother, they also had a daughter

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Her name is Isabella and just like Me his daughter has him completely wrapped hell I would say she has us all wrapped up.
I couldn't be more happier for him, he finally let go of what happened and moved on to something greater.
I can tell the baby train is not going to end with Isabella I am pretty sure they will have more, well Mateo said he wants a football team which made Kayla go completely pale which just cracked us all up, if he wants that he will have to pull all the strings to get her to do it after all it will be her bringing life into the world.

Alejandro and lena they live next door to us, after papa and mama where killed the mansion never felt the same that's why they all moved well except for Camila and I, I chose to stay the memories in that house no matter weather they are bad or good they are still a memory and that keeps the Spirit of my papa and mama alive as crazy as it sounds I can still feel them here and apart of me wants to say that they make it look like they where dead to protect us just like papa did along time ago when we where kids, crazy I know but I guess that is still the kid in me that wants to believe that.
Anyways back to the talk about how my family is doing well the living ones anyways.
All our children are very close well except for Emilio and Emmanuel they are living the billionaire playboy life I tell them that if they keep playing all this women by the time they meet there one, all those crazy bitches will become jealous and then she will be a target, but telling them that is like talking to a brick wall they think it will never happen.

Carlos and my only sister Miracle, we almost lost her and the triplets the lost of our parents took a big toll on her.
She went into a state of depression, she was always crying and screaming her nightmares where always the same she said it was like she was watching papa and mama get burnt alive.
Carlos helped a lot he never gave up on her it was at that moment that I truly saw how much he loved her and would do anything for her, when she was going through this, he barley slept or eat he was worried for all of them, it all change for the better when Miracle was 7 months pregnant she finally opened her eyes metaphorically and saw Carlos really saw him, his eyes where bloodshot red he lost so much weight because he couldn't bring him self to eat, it was killing him slowly seeing Miracle like this.
At that moment of seeing how her pain and grief was effecting those she loved the most she immediately changed, as she changed Carlos started eating and sleeping they both started to look better and seemingly doing better well at least that is what we all thought until she went into labour, I won't go into the Details of everything that happened, the only thing I will say is that there was a point Jeremy through we would lose not only her but the babies she stopped breathing and triplets weren't as well when they came out.
But heaven must be  smiling down because they all pulled through and it was weird in away because they all started breathing at the exact same moment.
But we are so blessed and happy that they did, my sister is truly a Miracle and now so our her children.

Diamond and Nikolai, Diamond stayed on and off for a few years she and Nikolai split there time between here and Russia but after her father died in car accident she made the move permanent, I know losing him hurt a lot so I understood why.
She still visits a few times a year but no more then a week or two.
They have  two sons Mikhail and Maxim, they are more behave then any of there cousin lol , not embarrassed to say that they all go crazy and most of the time take things to far. But if life didn't get at least a little crazy it would be boring as hell.

I don't know what the future holds for our family, with Money and power always comes trouble, especially if you are the king of all the Mafia's
We may not have had any real trouble or treats in 10 years but how long will that last, I can't answer that one.
My brother's, Carlos and I prepare our children for that it's the reason why we tell the boys to be careful of the girls you entertain she just might go crazy on you especially when that day comes and you come across your one and only, your forever and always.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now