Miracle's Secret

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chapter of Miracle

Miracle pov- I am freaking out right now, I don't know if it's a good idea anymore.
Your probably wonder why I am freaking out well it's simply you see I have been sneaking out and believe me it is not that easy with our home heavily guarded 3 older and very protective brother's and there friends who are equally protective especially Carlos For some reason I admit I had a crush on him Okay I am crazy about the guy but I know it can never be his my brother's friend right hand man, so I pushed away the stupid crush and puppy love that will never come true and I started dating Marco which brings me to why I am freaking out Marco wants me to come out with him now he can be demanding although I am use to it and the way he is he went crazy when I broke up with him the first time he hit me  it's always it the stomach or my legs never my arms or face he knows my brother's father and uncle's will kill him, why I don't just say anything because well I don't know I guess I want to handle it myself , yes I know it's stupid I pretty sure my triplet brother's the one's I am apart of not our older one's know I am seeing him he always see me at school with him well not all classes since Marco is in year 12 and I am only in year 10.
I am pacing in my room when my phone blows up for 20th time all from Marco I really don't want to answer it nor do I want to go I know what he wants we have been together for almost two years all in secret.
I know he sleeps around he tells me all the time but now he tell me his waited long enough and he wants what belongs to him.
But the thing that freaks me out is that I over heard him and his father taking he something about planting a seed then something about taking over and I really don't like the sound of that.
"Shit his calling again, I better answer

Miracle- hello

Marco- hello , hello is that all you have to fucken say, Why the hell weren't you answer my calls huh? What the fuck were you doing ?

Miracle- I..I was with my papa

Marco- whatever you have already pissed me off enough today get you ass down to my car now, tonight is the night baby, I will make you completely mine.

Miracle- I can't I'm not ready for any of that.

Marco -I don't care, you belong to me and you will give it up to me weather you like it or not?
Now get down here you are in enough trouble and a big punishment is due when I get you back to my place you have 5 minutes, if your not down here by then your punishment will be worse. ( hangup)

Carlos pov- I was by Miracle's door to see if she was okay, she hasn't been her self more and more for the past two years but today was even worse I was at her door and heard her talking to someone, I could hear everything some guy was saying and I new what he wanted but that's not what pissed me of even more, she has been seeing him for two years.
Well whatever that guy though he was gunna get from her tonight isn't happening she is mine and mine alone yes I have always love her but I am 3 years older then her and here brother's best friend I know 3 years isn't a lot but I just wanted her a little older before I told her now to find out that she has been seeing someone for the past 2 year has me thinking differently.
I got to tell her brother's but first I am gunna get this fucker dealt with, I called the guards to tell him where to find him then I waited for Miracle to get out I put the automatic lock on the balcony doors so she will have no choice but to go out through her bedroom door.

Miracle pov- After I quickly got dressed I was shaking as I went to the balcony doors so I could leave, god what am I doing I don't want to give my V card to him I new he wasn't could after 1 year he changed at first I thought he was the perfect guy to get over Carlos with but he is anything but perfect.
"Fuck they must have locked the doors , shit I am going to have to go out my bedroom door let's hope no one is going through the halls.
As I got out my bedroom and began walking down I felt strong arms wrapped around my waist I jumped a little until I smelt that Cologne, I new it was Carlos.

Carlos- going somewhere principessa?

Miracle- umm... yeah I am going to the kitchen felt a little hungry, what are you doing up?

Carlos- you know I am always up, mmm are you sure your not going anywhere, you look like your about to go out, not that you would be able to in what your wearing.
In fact get back in there and change you know we have guards all around and they will see you wearing this thing it is barley covering anything come on let's go.

Miracle- what ? No I ...., why are you in my room I will change okay. Y...you......don't need to be in my room.

Carlos- yes I do now change and  do not argue , don't make me take you over my knee baby girl.

Miracle- what the hell am I gunna do now, more importantly what the hell is going on with Carlos I mean yeah he has always angry if he thought something was to revealing  even if it wasn't, cause if it was my brother's would have said something.
But I find Carlos is the main one that gets crazy when I don't listen and now his calling me baby girl and talking about taking me over his knee what the hell is that about?
Ahhh what am I going to do about Marco his gunna kill me, well if he ever did his hole family would die I don't think his that stupid.
But it looks like I am going no where that look in Carlos's eyes that always melts me completely say he isn't leaving my side.

Carlos- much better, now that's my baby girl I know and love come on principessa let's get you something to eat.

Miracle pov- his baby girl that he knows and loves huh? What the hell is happening I need to text Marco "shit he gunna be pissed.

Carlos- come here baby( putting her on my lap making her look at me)
Now baby girl I am gunna ask you once and once only. Who is that guy you where talking too and is he responsible for that bruise I saw on your stomach do not lie, believe me principessa I heard enough and if it makes you feel better we have him in the basement, you are a Cruz the Mafia's  principessa the only daughter of  Miguel Cruz, you don't take this from nobody I have seen you torture before " why the hell  would you take it from him.

Miracle- I was gunna handle it my self I stuck around longer because of what I heard him saying but then I got freaked out when his father said something about planning a seed and sealing  there families future with the best fortune.

Carlos- did you sleep with him, answer me and don't lie baby girl?

Miracle- no I didn't and even if I did your not my brother and your not my papa, so it doesn't concern you.

Carlos- mmm it does baby girl, no I am not your brother or your papa, but that doesn't mean I am not your daddy and you will listen to me.

Miracle- daddy? What are you on about?

Carlos- oh my innocent baby girl it means that your mine only mine no one will ever touch you the way I do or I will kill them do you understand, your mine ( with that I kissed he lips possessively at first she didn't respond so I gave her ass a little squeeze and she opened her mouth and then she responded)
Say it baby girl?

Miracle-  I'm your's

Carlos- I'm your's what? Say it baby girl I want to here you call me that?

Miracle- I am your's daddy

Carlos- forever and always baby girl. ( kissing her)

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