Miracle, scared to tell the truth

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Miracle pov- I am laying in bed freaking out, I love Carlos and well we took it to the next level and I am starring at a pregnancy test that reads positive, I am scared to tell Carlos but even more to tell my papa and brother's especially Junior, they all are due back later tonight, I am contemplating weather I should tell Carlos then we tell my papa while my older brother's aren't here cause let's face it all hell is gunna break lose when I tell but with Junior, Alejandro and Mateo it will be a war, I know they will blame Carlos and I am so scared that they will kill him, I mean my mama was my age when my papa found her and took her made her his so you would think it wouldn't matter but say no it doesn't I am his only daughter and my brother's only sister, okay I have to suck it up and do this it's better to tell Carlos first then maybe my mama so she can help ease into telling papa, god help me I know he will hit the roof.
I pick up my phone and call Carlos.

Carlos- hey baby girl miss me already.

Miracle- C...Carlos can you come over, I will be in my room I have to tell you something.

Carlos- why what's wrong, are you okay did something happen.

Miracle- no...no... babe I'm okay...please just come please it's important.

Carlos- okay baby girl I will be there soon, hold tight, I know something is wrong so when I get there you better tell me, do you understand me.

Miracle- I will I promise see you soon. ( hangup)

Miracle pov- okay this is it, he will be here soon and I can't back out, lord knows his relentless and will not stop until I tell him, just like my brothers and papa, main reason I haven't come down much, papa can read me like a book.

20 minutes later ( knock knock )

Carlos - baby girl open the door I am here

Miracle- coming, hey babe I missed you ( kissed )

Carlos - now tell me what's going on I can tell you have something to tell me so out with it baby girl.

Miracle- umm well ( I couldn't even make out the words so I just hand him the test.

Carlos pov - she kept stuttering then she went quite before handing me I stick, not just any stick it's a pregnancy test and it's positive, my eyes go wide and I froze for a bit, "Shit her papa and brother's will kill me we'll probably just her older brother's, I snap out of my haze and look at her she started crying.

Miracle- y....you don't want it do you( crying )

Carlos - what baby girl no.... Of course I want it, it's half of me and you, I won't lie I am little freaked out, I am no pussy but I know your papa and brother's they are going to kill me, hell my own papa will he promised your papa he could trust me with you, the fact I got you pregnant now they will skin my alive.
I know we have to tell him, so do you want to tell them together, or maybe I should just go talk to him my self I don't want you to stress your self out it's not good for the baby. ( I caressed her stomach )

Miracle- no we will tell him together but maybe we should tell my mama first she will know how to ease him into it and also keep him calm, maybe get Zio Rommel and Angelo there.

Carlos - why do you want them there ?

Miracle- going to need someone to hold him back from killing you if mama can't calm him down.

Carlos- I am so dead, okay let's get this over with go call your mama the longer we leave it the worse it will be, 100% mainly with me though.

Miracle pov- I grab my phone and tell mama if she could come to my room.

( knock knock )

Angel- hunny it's me open the door( she opens the door ) so what's wrong sweetheart, hello Carlos, mmm okay tell me what's wrong Carlos looks like his seen a ghost.

Miracle- umm mama, it's better if I just, umm here ( I hand her the pregnancy test )

Angel- Your pregnant oh boy your papa is going to lose it, calm down I am not mad how can  when I be I was your age when I fell pregnant with your brother's.
Let me guess you want me to talk to your papa first or  do you want me to be there to help you tell him and keep him from completely losing it, that  his only daughter his principessa is having a baby.

Miracle- pretty much yes and maybe get Zio Rommel and Zio Anothony to be there maybe all my Zio cause if you can't calm him down then they can hold him back, I am scared and freaked out his gunna kill Carlos mama, you have to make sure he doesn't.

Carlos pov - baby girl, it will be fine, yeah of course I am a little freaked out any sane person who knows your papa and your brother's would but I can handle it.

Angel- okay you too let's go it's time to get this show on the road haha, should be fun....

Miracle- mama it's no funny

Angel- I am joking relax I am trying to ease the tension.

Miguel's office .

Miguel pov-  I was sitting in my office with my cousin while I prepare to hand everything over to Junior, even though I had said al three of them
Would get it and I am the king of All mafia bug even I have to follow the rules and I put it to the other Mafia family's and majority of the vote said no to having three Mafia kings my boys are cool
With it Junior said he maybe the crowned Mafia king but his brother's will be equal to our Mafia family.
The door to my office just opens so I know it has to be my wife or my daughter and recently my granddaughter, they are the only ones that don't knock.

Miguel- hey baby girl what can I do for my beautiful wife.

Angel- we need to talk, Rommel, Angelo you don't need to go but why don't you stand close to Miguel.

Miguel- why do they have to stand close to me, what's wrong, tell me now.

Angel- calm down baby, Miracle, Carlos come one it.

Miracle- hi papa ,

Carlos - Capo

Miguel- okay now I know something is wrong, why do I have a bad feeling your about to tell me something I won't like.
Carlos "SPEAK ORA ( now )

Carlos, baby girl it's okay I will be did,
Capo you know I love your daughter more then my own life I want to marry her, you know this I have talk to you about this

Miguel- quit stalling

Carlos- Miracle is ... she is... pregnant?

Miguel- WHAT?? Your dead

Miguel pov- I lunged for him he doesn't even flinch, which I won't lie I do respect that it shows he is no pussy, but right now I could care less he got my principessa pregnant.
But before I could get to him I am pulled back by my cousins.
Miracle- papa please it's not all his fault, you can't kill him, or hurt him I love him papa, I swear I will never forgive you if you do anything to him.

Miguel- "you can't say that principessa, his older then you, he took advantage.

Miracle- papa I love you but you can't say that when mama was my age, I know your disappointed and upset but you also know that Carlos is a good man otherwise you would have never approved of our relationship.
We love each other papa and I know he will do right by us, so you really want to kill the father of your grandchild.

Miguel- fine I won't kill him but he will fight one at time myself and your older brother's. Don't worry we won't kill him, but he will be punish for getting you pregnant when you haven't finished school and you haven't married yet.

Carlos- I'll do it, I deserve it , I didn't plan on this.

Carlos pov I got to say it went a lot better then I thought, I know I will be in a hell of a lot of pain when I step into the ring and fight each and every one of them but hey my baby girl is worth it she is my forever and always.

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