Cruz Family time

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Junior pov- It truly warmed my heart seeing my mama's smiling face after all this time, apart of me already thought I lost her  along with papa.

Angel- my babies how I've missed you, don't just stand there come here and give your mama some love.

Junior pov- we all  rush into her awaiting arms

Angel- so tell me what's new with all of you, I want to hear it all, Junior hows Camila doing your papa told me the wonderful news I am gunna be a Nonna  well again.

Junior- she is doing good a little shaken up but I will make sure she gets better mama.

Angel- you better, now Alejandro what about Lena how is she and my grand baby,  Mateo your Zio Dino tells me you got yourself a girl two I want to meet her I want all my future daughter in law's her now.

Alejandro- mama when the gas bomb went off, s...she lost the baby.

Angel- oh baby I am so sorry I hope she doing okay you tell her to come up here.

Mateo- her name is Heavenly-Grace mama and yes I will bring to meet you I promise.

Angel- now my younger babies how have you been, do my boys have a young ladies.

Emilio- plenty hahah

Emmanuel - no mama  , no one serious anyways

Angel- and what about my sweet Miracle

Miracle- well there's this boy name Mario he asked me to the Junior dance his so cute and really sweet mama

Miguel - what... what boy just because I am not 100 percent doesn't mean I won't kill any little bastard that things he can take my principessa out, and ragazzi (boys) did you know about this , you are suppose to keep them all away, who is this Mario that I need to put a bullet through.

Miracle- papa

Miguel- don't papa me, tell me

Miracle- his father is Lorenzo Mortelli the head of the Spanish Mafia.

Miguel- mmm I will have words with his father, that little shit will have to talk to me your brother's and all your Zio's before I agree to this, do you understand principessa

Miracle- but papa..... ( pouting ) I really want to go with him, I really like him and wasn't it you that convinced Zio Anothony to agree that it was fine for Nikolai to date Diamond.

Miguel- principessa that is different she is older then you, don't try to turn this around my word is finally, ragazzi you still haven't answered me did you know about your sister and this Mario boy

Boys - no papa

Junior- papa if we new believe me we would have put a stop to it.
Anyways I think we should all leave so mama and papa can rest they still need more time to recover but we will see you tonight at dinner it will be good to finally have you back at the table.

Miguel- Junior, Mateo and Alejandro I need to talk to you boys first the rest of you can go we will see you at dinner

Miguel pov- I watch as my younger children left I turn to my oldest sons.

Miguel- your Zio Dino has told me everything how well all three of you handled everything so I have made a decision, now the business world will remain the same Junior will be The head Ceo Mateo will be CFO and Alejandro will be the COO but you will run a few of the branches but when it comes to the next Mafia king I have decided that there will be 3 kings of the Mafia world my eldest sons will rule as kings together with your three queens by your side I know you will do great. But the one who will take over after you will be Junior's first born son do you all accept and agree.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now