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Massimo and Marcela- Mama....mama...your awake, your awake "are wish came true "
Papa was right the wish won't come true if you tell and we never told.

Camila pov- I was hard when I first opened my eyes my whole body felt like it weighed a tun but when it was time for there candles I didn't want to miss it and every one was standing I couldn't see, I have no Idea the power I pulled to get up and ...

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Camila pov- I was hard when I first opened my eyes my whole body felt like it weighed a tun
but when it was time for there candles I didn't want to miss it and every one was standing I couldn't see, I have no Idea the power I pulled to get up and walk to them but I did and there happy little faces where wreath it.
Everyone else had there mouths open to see that I am even awake let alone walking.
Junior on the other hand had this blank and shocked look but that soon changed when I went to pick them up he stopped me, which made me mad.

Junior- Camila piccola coniglia mia amore how I have missed you, I know you have missed the children but you will not carry them your body hasn't been moving in so long you could hurt your self if you over do it, seat down here I will put them in your arms.
Baby girl don't look at me like that.

Junior pov- I can't believe it she finally awake it's our babies birthday miracle.
But I will be dam if she think she will walk around and go back to how things use to be she need to gain her strength slowly she doesn't need to go all out right away.
I can't wipe the smile of my face nor the tears of happiness that have fallen, I pick her up in my arms and I hold her close letting her know how much I have missed hearing her voice.
I slowly put her back down when are kids start tugging on my pants wanting there mama, once I sit her down I pick the both of them up and place them on her lap she starts crying and holding them close to her not wanting to ever let them go all our family and close friends start taking photos of this precious moment, she woke up for them I new she wouldn't want to miss this day for anything in the World.
I pick her and our kids up efficiently so I could seat down with her and our kids securely in my lap I kept kissing her cheeks just starring at her holding her tight afraid she might slip away again.
Mama soon cleared everyone out and left the 4 of us alone to spend some time alone together we haven't had that since they where first born.
After about an hour of us just holding each other I guess the kids got bored and went of playing we still had all the equipment until tomorrow so they can have all the fun they want with it.
Camila learned further into my embrace, she turn her body around so she was straddling me know looking into my eyes.

Camila- you know I heard everything you told me
And it killed me all I wanted to do was open my eyes and tell you how much I love, How much you mean to me and above all , It's bot your fault Junior do you here me, it is not you fault amore I never want to here you say that again.
( I kiss him it was slow sweet and passionate)
I love you, you are my forever and always, It's because of you that our children know who I am, you took them to see me every day through out the day constantly telling them stories about me, when they started to talk and they said mama for the time was the first time I moved my hand and you saw that, grazie mio amore, grazie for not giving up on me, for standing by me, but amore even if you did all that which I am greatful for you are still in trouble for your drinking and destroying your papa's office. ( I raised my eyebrows at him while he looked at me in shock)

Junior- I will also stand by you and never give up because I love you with all my heart and you also are my forever and always.
Coniglia how did you know what I did.

Camila- I told you I could hear everything that everyone told me someone told me about that.

Junior-mmmm well I am sorry amore I was lost without you I was going complete mad, crazy knowing that.....

Camila pov- I stopped him from talking with a kiss As I laid on his chest watching our kids in completely content.
The next thing I know he stands up and I see Zia Angel and Zio Miguel pick up Massimo and Marcela.

Junior- come on baby girl it's getting a little cold now I don't want you to get sick not when I just got you back, beside Jeremy and Zio Gustavo needs to check you out make sure everything is fine.
I should have done that the moment I saw you awake but I know that you needed this moment with our kids as did I.
But the party is over and we need to get you checked out and I will make sure they bring a physiotherapist to help you gain complete mobility and strength you may have walked slowly to the twins but I can tell that it took a lot are you just to do that.
So come on lets take you back to your room.

Camila- what no..., I want to stay with you, I have been apart from you for far to long and I want the kids to sleep with us Please don't make me spend another night alone.

Junior- baby that was my plan I am only taking you up there now because they have all the equipment there once they check you I will take you back to our room give you nice bath and then I will and we will all cuddle up and watch a movie how does that sound.

Camila- perfect, a moment I have been waiting for a moments I have missed our family time I was there and you talk to me but I was basically statue.

Later that night-

Camila pov- I was relaxing in the bath Junior was washing my hair and my body he was been so gentle, oh how I have missed his Touch.
After he finish washing me he picked me up dried me and dressed me he was treating me like a delicate doll that could break any moment.
I know he must be thinking about what happened to me the pain I went through but to be honest when I talked to the Spirit of my mama I over came it, she told me she did that so I would be strong when I came back and I will only come back if I was truly okay.
I am more then okay now I am back with my family.
I was pulled out of my deep thoughts when I heard the giggles of our babies calling for me I smiled at them and put my arms out as Junior put them in my arms.
Junior grabbed the remote and put on wonderland for the kids to watch we all cuddle together in the bed being held tightly in Junior embrace this right here is what I have missed, what I have longer for and now I have it back I couldn't be more happier.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now