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Camila pov- I woke up to a dark room my arms and feet have been tied in rope, everything coming back slowly a man h...he took me I..I've been kidnapped oh god my baby.
My miggy, Junior he will find us god he doesn't even know about the baby please god don't let anything happen to our baby even if I have to die let my baby live, send Junior our way...
Please come save us Junior.

Back on the Island with Junior

Junior pov- I just about to finished I fixed the problem and had my brother's pick up the rat that sold me out he will be dealt with, I walk out of  the office looking for Camila I couldn't find her I started to panic, I saw Teresa and asked her she said she saw her heading to the beach so I ran off to get her by I saw no one there I went back into my office to call Zio Dino because there is a tracker on her ring as well as the necklace my papa gave her.

Zio Dino- cio Junior

Junior- Zio Camila is gone I can't find her anywhere, I was in my office as you know sorting out you stole the companies secrets when I was done she was gone, I have a feeling someone took her.

Zio Dino- calm down I will find her you will get her back, I will call you when I have her location. ( hangup)

Junior pov- I got a email with an unknown sender I clicked on it and my heart dropped I saw my baby mio il piccola coniglia, anger started to raise up within me, who dared to kidnap my queen I shall skin this bastard alive.
The msg reads.

As you noticed already your girl is gone, cleaver don't you think using one if my contacts to steal from you, It was just enough time to distract you so I could take her and might I say she is truly a beauty I will be willing to trade, you have something I want.
Release Mila and I will release Camila you have 24/hrs to do it or I just might have a taste maybe pass her around to my men.
I will send you another email shortly so you know when and where the Exchange will happen  if you do not give me what I want your girl will pay the price.

Who ever this bastard is will pay I sent a text to Zio Dino and Markus to see if they could put a name to email, I know they will have the location because of the tracker but before I go into battle I like to know who the fucker is.
Mmm this little bitch Mila will tell me I will kill her I have a girl who looks like her, to set the trap I know he set up for me, lets hope the real Mila will cooperate.
I picked up my phone told my brother's Mateo and Alejandro to get down her with as many guards that can be spared I don't want the rest of my family to be Vulnerable.
Mateo said that Nikolai and his men will join us to thats twice the man power I told him to make sure we have the best snippers on board.
I walked up to our bedroom holding back my tears I sat on the bed thats when I notice a small Rectangular box sticking out from under the bed, it had my name on it so I opened it up and the tears I held back came flowing out I held it in my hand a positive pregnancy test, we are having a baby, I am gunna be a papa , it mad me more Determined, to find them.
I stayed in the room for a few hours until the door open and my brother's and Nikolai stood before me.

Mateo- Fratello don't worry we will find her and Bury this fucker alive

Junior- fratelli she is pregnant, look it's what she was gunna tell me that bastard that took her set this up  Noel was doing this the hole stealing from our company he did it for him who ever took her I will die if something happen to her or our baby.

Nikolai- you have my word we will find her she and the baby will be fine, I have my best tracker and hacker working with your uncle Dino, but it seems they have some kind if Device that is blocking it but they are working on cutting it off I have all my men including her father here.

Just then Camila father walks into the room.

Junior- zio Antonio I an sorry this my fault, this was all a set up so I fixed it and found the person who did it and then....and then he took her and I have clue who I am sorry I'm sorry( crying)

Antonio- snap out of it figlio , blaming yourself will not help nor bring her back faster Alejandro said he had the man who help in this little set up as well as Mila.

Junior- I am gunna need all the men to be careful extra careful Zio Camila is pregnant, there trying to track with the ring to see where she is but as Nikolai said they have a blocker.

Antonio- I will let all the men know.
I..I'm gunna be a Nonno ( grandfather).
This bastard is gunna has cross the line he will die along with that whore of his and his little bitch boy.

Back with Camila

Camila pov- I couldn't stop the tears streaming down my face that Bastard his name is Levi his little brother was the one that planted those gas bombs but then helped us apparently he has a thing for the whore and he set this hole thing up to get her out.
He came in here early, lets just say the things he made me do I feel so dirty I threw up after he left he made me suck on his dirty cock that tasted of rotten sour cream.
I climbed onto the chair to small window with bars then thats when I saw it there was a light flashing on the ring Junior gave me it probably couldn't track me because I was inside well I still am trapped in here but by putting my arms out through the bars it was going off, thank god he didn't take it off me I saw him eyeing it, anyone could clearly see that it's worth a lot of money hopefully they will be here soon and this will all be just a bad dream which I will put passed me and we will live happily ever after after all we can't end like this I just kept starring out the little window into the sea praying they get he soon.

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