Shock and turmoil 

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Mateo pov- The mansion is in complete chaos everyone is running around the ladies are with the stylist getting their hair and make up done, well except for my girl Heavenly-Grace she said she wasn't feeling well so she won't be attending the Mafia Ball where my papa will be handing the title of Mafia king to mio Fratello Junior, I am proud to be his Fratello he earned his right to be Mafia king, am I mad that we won't share the title , No cause On paper and to the rest of the Mafia family he is the head but we will always be equal and I don't want the title that just adds more responsibility, to over see all the Mafia family no thank you.
I told her I would stay and look after her she quickly shut me down, which kinda took me by surprise what wife wouldn't want her man her husband to take care of her, I didn't say anything, I didn't want to push it, I just gave her a kiss and walked out of our room to go see if our son was ready.

Junior pov- After tonight everything changes, I will officially be the mafia king and my Camila my queen and my children mio Figlio will be crowned, The Crowned mafia prince now.
Double the responsibilities to over see all the mafia families around the world.
I would need to double protection to Camila and our heirs Massimo and Marcela.
Which of course I do with honour, my papa and mama will leave shortly after for there around the world Cruise on are private yacht.
They both deserve it, do I think that I am ready yet, to be honest I don't it's a lot of pressure to for fill my papa's shoes.
But hey with my queen beside me I can do anything, speaking of my queen I better go see if she is ready, well see and make sure they are all read cause with all these ladies I know we are gunna be late not a good look for the next king and queen of the Mafia.

Camila pov- Me and all the ladies are all getting ready a bottle of Esprit du Siecle Brut popped open we are all having a drink well except for Lena and I cause where pregnant we where all having a laugh well all but heavenly-Grace she is not here.

Camila- hey where is Heavenly?

Angel- Mateo said she was not feeling well so she won't be going, I am starting to worry, I haven't seen that boy of mine so much as smile in almost a year, I can see the difference between them it's not the same, she is even acting different to Gabriel.

Camila- I have notice to Lena and I have tried to talk to her but she shut us down and changed the subject, maybe we can help them tomorrow.

Lena - we will talk to her, whatever is going on I am sure we can fix it.

Junior- ladies, really your not done yet we can not be late, it wouldn't be a good look, especially for us( I looked directly at Camila)

Camila- relax mio amore we just need to get dressed and we are done we will be down in a few minutes are all the kids ready.

Junior- yeah there with papa ,Alejandro and Mateo.
Just hurry up okay( I was about to leave when Camila calls me back)

Camila- hows Mateo, we all can feel something is off between Mateo and Heavenly-Grace

Junior- baby girl, look it's not our business okay if my Fratello wants to talk, he will talk to me about it until then just let it go.

Camila- you know we can't do that.

Angel- Figlio amore please talk to him, I am really starting to worry.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now