Bianca sick plan

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Bianca pov- I have been working as Camila's PA for 3 months and let me tell you it is 3 months too much for me, having to suck up and be all nice and shit argg I hate it well at least I won't be seeing her for 3 weeks after today she is having her big wedding this weekend.
Well that's if she makes it, if she makes it you may ask well I will tell you I only pretend to be this perfect sweet innocent girl but really I have my own agenda, I want Junior ever since he came to my school to talk and he granted scholarships to exceptional students so I worked hard so I would be one of those lucky students.
I had no Idea he was involved with anyone until the news came out that he married his childhood sweetheart, since there parents new each other I am guess it was all arranged and he doesn't really love her and the only reason he got her pregnant was because he needed an heir, well My plan is simple I have been slowly poisoning her with arsenic I have been lacing small amounts everyday in her coffee and some times in her food I can tell she has becoming weaker everyday but these last 2 weeks she has only come in twice once she is out of the way for good I will swoop in at the right moment and Junior will be out of this arrange marriage I know he never wanted it I mean who would.
As for there children they share well they got to go too the only heir he will have will have will be the ones I give him.
But there death shall be easy, but I will wait for that later.
I am in my office taking some funds for the Company account for a dress for there wedding apparently they're sharing a real wedding with his brothers and their wives they all want to get married together as soon as Camila woke up, I am glad she woke up other wise I would have never meet Junior he is so hot and sexy and sweet a perfect gentleman and it makes it even better and he's a billionaire I will never have to struggle again my plan can never fail, I have to have him.

Back at Cruz mansion

Camila pov- god I feel like hell, I just got better 1 week ago and went back to work and after working a few days I started to feel sick again so I am trying to work from home, Junior is freaking out and getting worried his becoming paranoid that someone is making you sick he says when I'm home after about a week or sometimes less I'm back to 100% health but at then I go back to work only to get sick all over again, I told him he was just been paranoid buy I know he won't let it go I know he is up to something but I don't quite know.
The only thing I want is to get better before our wedding along with Mateo and Heavenly-Grace and Alejandro and Lena who will also be, I know we are all legally married but we never had a big ceremony and I can't wait.

Junior pov- I was seating in my office I have been working from home because Camila had constantly been getting sick and it only started when she started working, technically not right away it started 2 months ago she thinks I am been paranoid but I know I am not I know something is not right some one is after her again and I will find it I asked her to continue to work from home but I don't think That will work she loves it to much.
So I called my guys to have hidden cameras in the kitchen and the cafeteria I have to know and I also got Markus to look at every single employee that is close to her, the one's that bring her coffee and food will be looked at first so that is Monica and Bianca.
I finish signing my last contract and head to the room Jeremy said he is going to give us the results of the test he ran, she has been Vomiting getting a high fever and is constantly fatigued she can barely feel down I was extremely worried about her.
I leave my office and head to our room.

Junior- hey coniglia how you feeling any better,
I don't like seeing you like this, I know something is wrong I feel it someone is trying to hurt you and when I find out I will cut there head clean of preserve it and have there head put on a pike and placed in garden so everyone will know what will happen when they mess with my queen.

Camila- calm down amore please, I am feeling better and anyways and Jeremy will be any minute to tell us and I am sure it will be nothing and if I am wrong then and only then can you go all Commando but it will be after our honeymoon am I clear.

Junior- whatever you want cara mia

Knock.. knock

Junior- "come in

Jeremy- hello Junior, Camila, so Camila how are you feeling today.

Camila- a little dizzy and nauseous but other then that I am fine, what did the results say and why have you gone all pale are feeling okay.

Jeremy- I have some good news and back news

Junior- Don't make me kill you, tell me everything

Jeremy- O...Okay um well good news first congratulations you're pregnant And the back well umm I did further test on your blood that I didn't see the first time its hard to detect but there where traces of arsenic in your blood.

Junior- "WHAT!!! ARSENIC!!!!
Who ever is responsible will pay dearly and believe me it will not be kind.
Jeremy is the baby going to be okay

Jeremy- that's why I got the ultrasound machine to check everything but I won't know for certain that it had any of that depends how far along she is

Junior pov- Jeremy started setting up the ultrasound machine I looked over and my baby frozen in shock silent tears falling from her beautiful face I go straight to the bed picking her up and laying her in between my legs stroking her hair whispering sweet nothings in her ear trying to be has calm as I can be, on the inside I am fuming, I am on the verge to exploding I will have to talk to my brother's and papa about this I want my best man on this who ever is behind this will not get away with it, I will have there heart for this.

Junior- it's okay baby everything will be fine, you are going to stay here understand I don't want you going into work until I get to the bottom of it.

Jeremy- Okay so far every looks okay the babies heart is a little slow but with rest and making sure the person responsible for poisoning you is hot so you don't ingest any more and you are 1 in half months along.
I will check you and the baby every week except when you go on your honeymoon but we do have a smaller Portable ultrasound machine you can call via chat and I can go through it with you and tell you how the baby is doing.
I think this time away will do you good to, it will give you that time to heal and try and find the person behind it.

Camila- oh god I am so sorry Junior I should have listen to you, you said that you felt like some one was trying to kill me, I said you where been paranoid, god I should have listened you are always right about these things and now I could have put our unborn child at risk, it's all my fault what if some thing happens to our baby.

Junior- shuu ...shuu... it's okay baby girl this is not your fault okay, the important thing is we know now.
This is what will happen after our wedding and honeymoon when we get back I will make sure someone place hidden cameras everywhere.
If you really want to go back to work I will hire you your personal chef who will make all your meals and your coffee too, my main suspense our the ones that get you coffee Monica and Bianca.
Make sure no one knows that we know what you where poisoned with because they will try again.
I promise you baby I will fine the person or persons responsible. ( I kissed her cheek and held her tight as she cried her self to sleep)

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now