Miguel & Angel send there love

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Junior pov-  A woke to a smile upon my face had the reason my heart beats securely in my arms, My phone dinged I new it was an email.

"Oh god come on, I hate seeing that when there here, I swear they sent it on purpose just to mess with us( picture above is what they sent )
'I am they finally get to have some time to them self with all of us  plus the business and the Mafia they never got it, but dammit why no one wants to see there parents kiss our kids are almost 2 and they hate it.
I get out of the bed carefully not to wake them up I walk out and see Alejandro.

Junior- Fratello you got it too huh?

Alejandro- yep did not want to see that, so there in Italy now, by the looks of things.

Junior- yeah they are, mama asked about Mateo, I said he was okay, Mama doesn't need to know he will lock himself in his office with Gabriel and do his work then leaves him with the nanny at night he doesn't come back till 2 or 3 in the morning.

Alejandro- "what, how didn't I know this?

Junior- I didn't at first till I ask Markus to follow him apparently his fucking his way through different women every night.

Alejandro- "shit should we do something, I know it won't take long for the paparazzi to make it look like some think it isn't, all anyone knows was that they got divorced, if they see this, they will make it look like he cheated and that's why she left, I mean , I guess it would be better then knowing the truth, see shouldn't have left like that, at least not  without knowing the truth.
"Shit we where kids our self when it happened.

Junior- we will talk to him later, the most important thing is that he still takes care of Gabriel and he doesn't leave until he's asleep.
He keeps him with him all day, it's the only time I see him happy, I think it's because he see us with our wives and it hurts because Heavenly left, we should give him a little more time or at the very least be careful that the paparazzi are not watching him.

Alejandro- speak of the Devil looks like he just got home.

Junior- Fratello, come with us, you can take your anger and frustration out on just don't kill her.

Mateo- Who is see and what did she do?

Junior- well you would know if you didn't lock yourself in your office but she is the one that has been poisoning  Camila with arsenic and few days ago when Camila brought the kids there she put there Milk, they where Lucky, if Camila didn't notice the feeling and call me before she passed out she and our kids and unborn baby would be dead.

Mateo-"What this bitch tried to kill my niece and nephew as well as my sister in law and her unborn baby.
Count me in Fratello, I need this, I also notice a few groups that we distribute to hasn't paid I will deal with them too.

Junior- alright you got it, but take care of that tonight.

Junior pov- We headed down to the basement and there see was on her special seat waiting for us hahha this is going to be fun.
I let Mateo have at it, he needs this I can tell he is still fired up he need to bring it down before his son wakes up.
Her screams echo through the basement as he turn on the  electric chair he takes her out after a few minutes he goes and gets some of his tools her body is convulsing on the floor due to the shook.

Bianca- p....leas..eee ....... ( crying)

Mateo- "nah I'm good, you should have thought of that before you attacked my family, you may not have known about the Mafia side but you definitely new we are the most powerful family in the world and you were still stupid enough to try, you deserve every thing and anything that comes your way, "now shut the hell up your interrupting my fun....., it's play time after all..
And your my new Guinea pig that I can try all these new forms of torture hahaha will see how it goes those nurses there are to make sure you don't die, well at least not yet.

Mateo pov- I don't care how sick it sounds I feel so much better, her screams alone has a rush of happiness that flows through me as I start ripping her flesh of with a carving knife, I take it one step further and pour salt all over her open flesh.
I stop my work as Junior phone go off, I look at him and watch him drop to his knees , tears start coming down, I told the guards to take her back to the cell.

Junior pov- As soon as I open my email, my heart  sinks I suddenly find it hard to breathe I can't even say a word, I just pray this is fake and there fine, they have to be fine...

Junior pov- As soon as I open my email, my heart  sinks I suddenly find it hard to breathe I can't even say a word, I just pray this is fake and there fine, they have to be fine

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Mateo- Fratello what is it( He passes me the phone and me and Alejandro do the same thing

Mateo - no they can't they just sent us a picture they where fine.

Junior- come of fratelli, Markus and Zio Dino will be able to know beside them no one needs to know until we are sure.

Junior pov- we all run back upstairs to my office I told Zio Dino and Markus to be there I showed them. After a few minutes they get right to the computer while we tried to reach them on the satellite phone but it wasn't working.

Junior- tell me you found something, tell me it isn't them...

Markus - I...I s...sorry capo we hacked into system they recovered there bodies, it's being Identified as Miguel and Angel Cruz, they said after they finish there report they will contact you. I ...I sorry Capo, It is your parents.....

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now