Junior & Camila's date

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Camila pov- my eyes slowly fluttered open, as soon as my eyes fully opened I see the strong muscular arms of the and only Junior, my hearts desires even though most times he drives me crazy.
I managed to turn myself around so I will be facing him, he looks so peaceful in his sleep, I traced my finger across his face down to his plump juicy lips that I can't get enough of as my fingers reached his lips he opened his eyes and put my finger in his mouth and started sucking it.

Junior- good morning piccola coniglia ( little bunny)
How was your night, I came back early hoping we could have dinner together but you where already asleep.

Camila- good morning miggy, my night um... it was okay I was tired and went to bed early,
So umm how did your meetings go.

Junior- two of them went well I walked out of the last, so how was training, did anything happen that I should know about.

Camila pov- oh god does he know did the boys tell me, no... no... they wouldn't they know there brother would kill them but hey I am the one that said I didn't want them to hold back.
Did he see my marks when he got home ' shit I hope not.

Camila- ummm... no... nothing at all just basic stuff you know.
Sooo.... You walked out of a meeting ah, what happened?

Junior- well simply she kept hitting on me even after I told her I have a girl that I love with all my heart, she still tried to put her proposal on me which will never happen.
Coniglia look at me and don't lie and say nothing happen yesterday at training I want you to tell me the truth do you understood.

Camila-umm well okay so this is what happened but before I tell you promise me not to get made and go all crazy and no hurting anyone...

Junior-mmmm can't make that promise, but I will promise not to kill who ever did this.

Camila- well um keep in mine they don't know I got that banged up so don't blame them.
Well we all train doing basic stuff your papa and zio's left, so I told your brother's Mateo and Alejandro to train me more and not to take it easy on me cause I am sure if Saul comes after me he won't take it easy on me anyways so they did and things got intense but again keep in mind I new I got banged up just not as bad so again please don't do anything to them for me( pouting)

Junior- fine I won't, well looks like the taking you on a romantic date for the hole day as gone out the window you are in no condition to go anywhere, but before you jump in and start pouting and sulking I was gunna say, we will have our date here in the mansion maybe in garden just give me a few minutes to sent it up okay.

Camila- omg really... yehh ( giggling)

Junior- okay now come on lets get you into the bath so you can get ready, do you want me to help you or are you okay on your own.

Camila- I can manage can you maybe just fill the tub up for me.

Junior- of course coniglia
I fill it up and have a shower in another room I will come here and get you after I get ready then we will head to breakfast together.

Camila- okay miggy ( I gave him a soft kiss on his cheek)

Junior pov- After I filled the spa bath up I left her too it and got ready in one of the guest rooms, once I was done I got dressed and went straight to the kitchen to tell the maids to bring up her breakfast I wrote her a little note for them to take with her.

Note :
Piccola coniglia engjoy your breakfast, sorry that I a can't eat with you.
I am setting things up for our date be ready in the living room by 12pm see you soon my sweet love your miggy

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