Flat line....beep....beep......

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Junior pov- The sadness all around us we watch them embrace and stare into each others eyes soft whispers could barely be heard as they said ti amo... then all our hearts drop at once as the machines went of they both flat lined...
The Nurses tried to get us all to leave but my brothers and I all pulled our guns out for we could never leave them, not our parents but the look in Miracle's eyes had me changing my she shouldn't see this, her eyes where glued to them as she watched them shock the both of them, my brother and I look at each other in agreement and with that I picked up our sister and carried her out, her screams of protest broke my heart but it would be worst if she saw this.

Junior- Principessa, Principessa please stop... it breaks my heart to see you like this, I know you want to be there but it's best you wait out her it's best for all of us, Don't lose hope.

Miracle- Stop...c...calling me... that.... (Crying, screaming) o...only Papa can..... ahhhhh I...Want... t...them b...back....

Junior- we all want that, we just have to pray and hope that we are not to late....
Whats your name....

Miracle- M..Miracle

Junior- That's right.... So you have to be there Miracle and be strong okay.

Alejandro pov- We all sat outside the room, we all wanted to stay inside but we had think of Miracle she was taking this worse then any of us, because she is the only girl no one new she shared the womb with Emilio and Emmanuel she almost didn't make it hence the name Miracle.
Emilio and Emmanuel I can see they want to break down and cry but they are trying to be tuff and strong enough of us, they don't need to be not with us.
My head is spinning, so much going on I am worried about Lena and I want to stay in the room with her but she fine maybe not mentally yet but physically she is but my parents they brought me into this world I can't leave them right now they are my priority.

Mateo pov- I can't take this shit.... Waiting.... Waiting can't do anything, "I HATE THIS SHIT, I GOT TO GET OUT, LET SOME STEAM OFF"....

Mateo- I going, I hate to get out for a bit call me if there are any changes, sorry I just can't be here right now.

Mateo pov- I quickly walk out before any of them can stop me or say anything, I have no one right now they all have there girls, me I have yet to meet the one, it's funny how for generations nothing has really changed every women they has married into the family have been virgins ha, I don't think that will be me, I've never been with one before, like my brother's I dominate we like it ruff I don't think I could ever be gentle especially not now and there is only girl I can call to let all this pent up anger I feel, I pick up my phone and call Nina, girl haven't slept with her in months because she kept telling everyone that I'm her boyfriend' she became so clinging so I ended it she new that it was only sex nothing else.

call to Nina-

Nina - Mateo, omg I MISSED YOU.... I know your pissed about your parents but you know I am the only one that can make you feel better...

Mateo - Just shut up about that Nina and come to the penthouse I will be there in 30 mins don't be late ( hang up)

god that girl is so annoying but hey at lease she is good at some thing. As soon as I get there she is waiting for me outside, she tried to kiss me but I moved my head.

Mateo- Nina cut that shit out, you know I don't kiss , quit clinging to me and your ass up stairs now..

Nina - w...what... I.. thought...

Mateo- you thought what that things will be different, I told you once I will not tell you again we are and never will be together it's just sex if you can't handle that then leave I will call someone else that knows there place around me..

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now