9 months

348 12 3

Camila pov - A lot has happened in the last 4 months Alejandro and Lena got engaged and oh she is pregnant I am so happy for them especially after she was told there was only a 5?percent chance she would have another one. me and Junior got married it wasn't big I didn't have a dress, we are going to have a big wedding after the baby is born and we will get married along side Alejandro and Lena who knows if Mateo proposes to Heavenly-Grace then all 6 of us will get married haha that would be cool, he said she isn't ready which is true she still get scared of certain things I won't go into details but lets just say her pass really took a toll on her.
On to me, well I am 9 months pregnant with twins usually with twins you have them early but no these to little monsters are to stubborn and they rather stay, Jeremy said to wait two more days if they don't come he will induce me but god I have had enough I can't take it anymore.
What's worse is that Junior won't let me leave the room, he has gone has far as to put a guard outside our bedroom door so when he goes to work I can't get out "crazy right " I have never been this bored in my life.

Later that night

Junior pov- I was in the office with my papa handling some business and doing a shit load of paper work god This is the part I hate, We are doing from home so we can be close to Camila, are babies refuse to come haha they love been in there mama to much I now she is getting frustrated because well okay maybe it's because I won't let her out the room but I am doing that for her she almost fell last time she tried to go down the stairs.


Junior- fuck that's Camila

Miguel- yep and it sounds like my nipoti ( grandkids ) are ready for there appearance
You go to her and I will let Jeremy know I know he hired a new nurses to help they will have everything ready by the time you get there.
Congratulazioni figlio ( congratulations son )

Junior- gaze papa,

Junior pov- I run up the stairs and straight to Camila side ready to pick her up and she just starts screaming at me.


Junior- I am sorry baby, I run as fast as I could I am here now come on they have everything ready and soon we will meet our little prince and Princess

Camila- I am scared miggy it's gunna hurt, Ahhhh This contractions are already killing me Ahh make it stop!!!

Junior- baby if I could I would. If I could trade places with you and take all the pain I would do it in a heartbeat. But unfortunately cara I can't it doesn't work that way, but I am here and I will never leave your side. ( kissed her cheek )

Junior pov- I had her in my arms crying and screaming and it killed me seeing her like this, I have no Idea how papa did this with mama.
Once we got there I put her on the bed and Jeremy and two new nurses came it, I hope they did a background check on them.
I am snap out if my daze as Jeremy looks at me for permission to check how dilated I am.
As much as it kills me to see are another man look or touch my pussy, that's right my pussy because she belongs to me.
I give him a nod and he checks her.

Jeremy- okay she is a good 8 centimetres shouldn't be long now your doing good Camila.

Junior pov- I sit beside her holding her hand whispering sweet nothings into her ear after ever contraction, I keep an eye on the nurses, I swear they are giving me a bad vibes but I shrug it off because the only thing that matters is my Camila and our babies.
After about an hour Jeremy check her again as Camila said she felt like she wanted to push, god it's really happening I am gunna be a papa.
It didn't take her long at all by the 3 push our son came into the world I couldn't help but tear up little. I looked at Jason and he new what I meet he watched the nurse about to take my son out of the room I yelled at her and had Jason guarding my son.
I felt my hand been squeezed so hard I felt like she broke it at some point then I hear the most angelic cry it was our daughter my little Principessa, Jeremy handed her over to the other nurse to clean her up I told Jason to go tell everyone that there children have arrived I went to crab our babies the one nurse kept looking at me biting her lip gross I just ignore her not wanting to ruin our family time I brought them both over to Camila.

Junior- Thank you coniglia you have truly made me the happiest man in the world.

Camila- and you make me the happiest woman in the world, so what do you want to name them

Junior- Massimo for  our boy and Marcela for our girl, what do you think, you can chose there middle names.

Camila- I love it, mmm okay I got it.
Massimo King Cruz  and Marcela Queen Cruz  what do you think, do you like it.

Junior- no baby I don't, I love it, it's befitting for them.

Junior pov - After Camila feeds them there was a knock at the door everyone comes in and they are in awe at the sight of the new additions to the Cruz family.

Angel - aww look at that Amore his already Protective over his sister

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Angel - aww look at that Amore his already
Protective over his sister.

Miguel- as he should be all the principessa of this family need to be so  figlio Camila  what are there names.

Junior- well allow me to introduce you to mio figlio ( my son) Massimo King Cruz
Mio figlia ( my daughter ) Marcela Queen Cruz

Miguel- perfect there names are very befitting
Congratulations you too.
( ea voi nipoti miei benvenuti in famiglia non vedo l'ora di viziarvi entrambi marcio )
And to you my grandchildren welcome to the family I can't wait to spoil the both of you rotten

Junior pov - After every got there chance to hold them they all said there quick goodbyes so Camila could get some rest she expressed some milk for them so I could feed them while she got some sleep, After I feed the both of them and changed them I laid them down in there basinet thats when I got a massage it said

I will take the ones you love soon
Right from under your nose.

Shit who the fuck is this, then it hit me every thing came back Levi said he would come once she has the babies I called some of the guards to watch her and my kids I had to go into the office and call every we need to have a meeting I won't let this son of a bitch come anywhere near my family.
I give them all a kiss and tell Camila that I will be back in 30 minutes, she just  hummed and went back to sleep.
Once I got to the office I told everyone that he just sent me a text Zio Dino was all on it tracing the text Markus was helping him.
About 15 minutes into the meeting Zio said he got the trace thats when gun shots where heard we all jump up and run. Shit no..no... Camila our babies oh god please let them be okay, fuck I am so stupid I should have put my best guards on them.
As soon as I get there I see the nurses running with our babies in there arms my guard leg it shot He looks at me and nods his head I shot the bitch in the leg and My son goes flying And the guard I put on duty pushes his leg on the wall and slides across the floor and catches him before  Massimo could hit floor my brother's went after the other girl. I hold my screaming son in my arms running into the room Camila is screaming No...No.... My heart drops and tears are falling like a water fall blood everywhere our daughter s...she dead.... That bastard killed our daughter.... I sat with her on the bed holding her and our daughter in one hand and other our son who has no stop crying his little hands touching his sister lifeless little body.
Soon our family walks in and just like ours there heart breaks and the room is full of screams and cries we lost our Little Principessa.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now