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Camila pov- I have just been sitting here by myself in the bedroom still trying to take in every thing Junior said, I know deep down I shouldn't be that mad at him for keeping a secret and keeping me in the dark about it for so long because he was doing it to protect me and he wasn't the only one that did it, I guess cause he is here that's why I jumped down his throat like that.
I am over the moon to the stars happy, that he was waiting for me .......
But oh...... god....... Me that night Liam sure I don't remember much but I do know I had is cock in my mouth.
Tammy said I did a good think cause Junior was a waste of my time. God why did I listen and go out that night.
I walked up to the mirror and have a sit in front of it, I looked at my myself and said..
Should I tell him, should I tell him or keep it to myself he doesn't need to know right.
Just as I was about to continue my rant Junior knocks on the door telling we will be landing in 30 minutes.
He didn't come in he hasn't for this hole trip I could tell by his voice that I hurt him by pushing him away I will make it up to him as soon as this lands and then he can make it up to me I want movie marathon with every one just like when we little kids.
When we finally land and get of the plane Junior still hasn't spoken to me and it's starting to drive me crazy is this how he felt on the plane ride here.

Camila- Junior stop for a miracle, talk to me I am sorry I didn't talk to you hole trip I....I was just trying to take it all in it was a lot.

Camila pov- before he could answer I jump up into him and he immediately wraps his arms around me holding me tightly.

Junior- I am sorry coniglia ( bunny )
If I could have told you everything you know I would but from now no more secret's

Ti amo mio simpatico coniglietto
( I love you my cute little bunny)

Ok come on we need to go every one is waiting for us back home.

Camila- Okay cool well I already msg Diamond and Miracle then gunna get everything ready I want to watch all movies just like when we where kids plus the new additions to the family.

Junior- any thing you want coniglia
But tomorrow I won't share you with anyone

Camila yeh yeh yeh..... I got it
Owww!!!! Did you just slap my leg

Junior- yes I did, drop the attitude it's not gunna fly any more

Camila pov - I didn't say anything after that I must of drifted of to sleep cause the next thing I know I was being carried out of the limo by Junior I snuggled closer to him holding him tighter he just laughs I slowly start to fall asleep again only to be jolted away by two loud screaming voicing

Diamond & Miracle- CAMILA!!!! FINALLY!!!!

Diamond- don't tell me you fell asleep after you ask us to set everything up for our movie night , well more like movie day since it's not night time yet.
Put her down Junior so she can freshen up and then meet us down there

Miracle- yehhhh let her down lets get started

Junior -calm down Principessa, she will be down soon.

Camila pov- since Junior carried me in and I was asleep I didn't notice that some girl was sitting in the living room alone with a sour look on her face
I go to ask Junior but he cuts me of with a sweet kiss and tells me later.
As soon as we get to his room I remembered that much about this place a lot has changed

Camila- so who was that girl in the living room with the sour look on her face, what her deal and also why are my bags in here shouldn't they been In the room I had here.

Junior- Mila she only allowed to go certain places in our mansion pay her no mine coniglia and your stuff is here because I want it to be this is our room come on you never slept in that room anyways.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now