Mila's plot

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Miguel - so we are all in agreement we keep them out of it I know they will not like it but it's for the best.

Miguel pov- we all set up packing everything since junior is working taking all meetings today I told him I had mafia business that needed to be handled today.
The rest of the kids are at school the only one that is here is Lena but she is in the library doing her work.

With Mila

Mila- Lets go we are leaving now to the cruz mansion.

Mila pov- they all hurried off and got everything ready including brainy.
Why is he helping me well because I am just that good I got him to fall in love with me and believe me that The Cruz family killed mine one unleash the gas Junior will do whatever it takes to save his beloved parents and the rest of them haha
I can wait, I will final have every thing I want and more.

Back at the cruz Mansion

Nikolai pov - I was sitting down in the dining area having a coffee and some food, thinking about this mess about my baby мой цветок ( my flower )
I hate hiding things from her but it's for her own good I don't want anything to happen to her.
My thoughts where interrupted by something smashing threw the window the last thing I see is the room covered is some kinda gas then everything went black.

Angel and Miguel bedroom

Miguel and Angel where packing some last minute things before they left along with a letter from there children when all of sudden something comes smashing through the window before they had time to react gas started to fill there bedroom and Angel instantly hit the floor Miguel stumbled but managed to crawl over to her wrapping his arms around her. The last thing he saw before he passed out was the door and windows been barricaded.

With Junior

Junior pov - I was seating in my office with a mountain of paper work, Papa said he had important Mafia business that needed his attention and it would also be a good way to show him I can handle the business and I won't let him down.
I was interrupted by my phone going off, It was a private number I usually don't answer but something was telling me to so I answered the call.

Private number

Junior cruz

Mila -Hello dear future husband, I was hoping we could meet up to plan our wedding

Junior-Mila you psychotic bitch, Get this through your twisted head I not know or ever will marry you.

Mila -Tsk ... tsk.. baby boy haha , I think if you will change your mind , why don't you just go ahead and check the CCV footage at your mansion.

Junior- what the fuck did you do , I swear you are dead when I get my hands on you.

Junior pov - I hangup on her not wanting to listen to anything she has to say the only thing I care about right now is my parents my younger cousin Alejandro girl Lena.
My heart dropped and anger took over all my body I saw this men throwing something thy looked like gas bombs what kinda of gas I have no clue I wasn't no more time watching it and took of in my care sending a group text to everyone told them to meet me at the house.

The school

Mateo - my phone started buzzing so I checked it, it was a text from Junior, I felt my hole body ready to burst I was fuming Mila was fucking with us again, that bitch was so dead Junior said she hit the mansion our parents our family all inside Gas bomb thats all he said "fuck .
I dropped everything and raced out the school seeing everyone at the entrance we all had at look of complete worry over us all we piled in the cars and speed of back to Cruz Mansion.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now