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Miguel pov- I am still holding on Alejandro I haven't let him go, I swear I will rain down hell on that bastard Saul once I know my figlio is safe.
As for Mila, the one who shot my son when I find her she will only wish for death but I will not give it to her.
She shot my son, I haven't told Angel yet, I have not been answering her calls none of us have she will freak out, I know she will find out one way or another but I just can't bring myself to do it, I haven't cried this much in many years the last time was when Junior got shot, as I look at my figlio my Alejandro in my arms he breathing is shallow and he has barely moved I start praying to save him, asking god to take me instead Just spare my son.

Junior- I look over at papa holding Alejandro tightly in his embrace tears still flowing down, I blame myself I am the underboss I told them to take Saul to the van while we looked for Mila I should have sent some guards with them then he wouldn't have been shot.
I look over to Zio's and brother Mateo there eyes are equally as red and puffy, mama has been calling non stop no doubt she senses something has happened but none of us has it in us to talk we haven't talked to each other since we got on the plane. The pain and sadness at the thought we might lose Alejandro eating away at us all.
I near a buzzing sound and its coming from Alejandro's bag I pick in up and it's his phone and it's Lena I have seen her a lot at the penthouse with Alejandro, he hasn't said if they are officially or anything but I know he hasn't been with any other girl other then Lena in like 6 months Mateo tells me there always together even at school.
I don't answer it, I just turn it on silent but as I go to put the ph back in his back a msg pops up and it's a picture of a pregnancy test I quickly take his phone again and open up the msg looks like she has been trying to reach him for 3 days I read the last msg.

This will be my last msg drano, I thought you  were different, you made me believe I could trust you,  you told you will always take care of me and after you helped me get away from my uncle I believe you, I gave you my virginity and my love the o...

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This will be my last msg drano, I thought you  were different, you made me believe I could trust you,  you told you will always take care of me and after you helped me get away from my uncle I believe you, I gave you my virginity and my love the only thing I had left that wasn't tainted ,you even told me you would tell your Family about me  and we would be officially even though you made sure everyone at school new I belonged to you even the teachers where to afraid to pair me up with any boys in class because of  you.
Anyways So I am pregnant as you can see, but I am leaving to where you don't need to know you lost that right when you ignored me for the three days I wanted to tell you in person but I guess I just wasn't important enough, oh I will no longer have this number Goodbye Alejandro.

What the fuck, she pregnant, is it his was she really a virgin.
I called Mateo over to come with me we head in one of the rooms.

Mateo- what is Junior?

Junior- Is Alejandro serious with a girl name Lena

Mateo- Lena, yeh he was gunna tell everyone about her when we got back, they are always together, he said he knows she is a good girl cause she wasn't like the other girls at school that and she was a virgin why do you ask.

Junior ( I showed him the text) this is why I asked

Mateo- shit Alejandro will be pissed, when he recovers.
How long ago was the text.
Has she left yet .

Junior- I tried but no answer, will have someone find her after lets just concrete on our brother
And let's not forget papa, I haven't seen him like this since I got shot.

Mateo- will pull through this Fratello

With Camila ( high school)

Camila- We all got to school Just in time, we didn't really want to leave, Zia Angel was on edge she said she could feel something was wrong which made me on edge a little and made me think something happen to Junior or to any of them.
I was heading into English none of them where in my class well Carlo's is just not PE or English
And the rest of then are younger then me so also not in my classes which sucks I would have love to have at least one of them with me.
Before I got to the door someone knocked my books down it was none other then Erica, Fuck this bitch I swear I am gunna knock her ass out.

Camila- what the hell is your problem?

Erica- my problem mmmm lets see that would be you...
You stole Junior from me, he doesn't want to be with you, he was forced to, he doesn't want this arranged marriage to you, why would he want you when he has me, I am way prettier then you, your way to ugly to be with someone as gorgeous as Junior.

Camila- okay bitch I had it with you, Junior doesn't want a desperate bitch like you, you know what everyone in his family and associated with his family is capable of so I suggest you know your place.

Camila pov- she scoffs at me and goes to slap me but I move out of the way and punched her in the face a few times I am pretty sure I broke her jaw and nose blood was already dripping from her face she was screaming and crying then our principal Mr Hayes comes running down the hall and see me standing above a Crying Lena.
Erica cries to him, telling him I attack her, just as he was about to say something Carlos comes and tells him who I am he doesn't say anything to me just helps Erica out who is screaming that they need to expel me.
Then Junior's younger brother's Diamond and Miracle come up to us they asked me if I got a msg I said no I forgot my ph at home,
Carlos told me what happened to Alejandro so we  all run out of the school and head home.

At The Cruz Mansion

Angel pov- I was seating at home on our balcony I have been having this feeling something is wrong, it made it worst when Miguel or our sons wouldn't answer there phones even Rommel, Angelo, Anothony and Dino wouldn't answer it made me more on edge why are they not answering me.
Just then my phone went off it was Miguel, he was crying and then what he told me made my heart completely sink and I swear it felt like I couldn't breathe. He told both Sr and Jr Dr Domingo will be here at the mansion to prepare everything for Alejandro.

Miguel  📱 cov  Camila - baby girl amore ..... I know ...I know... It's breaking me too We will be home soon

Angel pov- As soon as he hangup I ran straight to the hospital wing and saw both the Domingo father and son getting everything ready even though Dr Domingo Sr in retired he still came, he loves my kids he brought them all into this world.
I asked him if I could do anything, trying to occupy my mind trying to think positively but it's so hard when you know you could lose one of your baby boys I know he is practically a man but he will always be my baby boy, out of all my boys Alejandro is definitely a mama's boy.
I snap out of my deep thoughts about Alejandro as Dr Domingo Sr tells me to go down stairs and wait for them and inform him as soon as they arrive.
10 minutes later all the kids come running into the house asking if they are here yet is Alejandro okay what's happening all of which I didn't have the answer to they all hugs me and we cry once again together.
Then we all hear the sound of horns beeping and cars pulling up I ran out only to see Miguel carrying our limp son in his arms I start screaming running up to them.

Miguel- he is breathing amore he is just weak from the blood he lost.
I have to get him up, tell Dr Domingo Sr  where here.

Miguel pov- my heart broke further as I saw Angel's reaction when she saw Alejandro in my arms unmoving,
I will comfort her as soon as I get Alejandro to the hospital wing.
I ran straight to the hospital wing both Dr Domingo waiting for me and instructed me to put Alejandro on the operating table they then told me to wait outside I didn't want to leave him I held on to his right hand and kissed his forehead and I saw Angel doing the same thing to his left

Miguel- big strong figlio come back to us

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now