Bringing her light to her

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Junior pov- I couldn't barely sleep last night, not without her she hasn't seen our kids in months back I know if anyone could bring the light back to her it is our beautiful twin babies.
I looked at my phone it was 6 am which means mama and the babies should be here soon.
I quickly get up and have a quick shower to liven myself up before they get here and if there awake and have gotten enough sleep I will take them to see there Mama or maybe I should wait until Jeremy and Zio Gustavo look at her and fix her up probably.
After I finished my shower and dressed I walk downstairs to the kitchen in need of a really strong coffee and maybe a big destruction to keep me from not going to see her, when all I really want to do is hold her in my arms and never let her go.
As soon as I make it to the kitchen I can see papa is already here with his coffee the maid see me and coming and quickly pours me some and  also fixes me a plate of food then she runs out of the kitchen, lol I am guess she heard about the other maid.

Miguel- buon giorno figlio ( good morning son )

Junior- giorno papa, so did Zio Dino find out if Jackson was telling the truth or do we need to skin the little wimp alive.

Miguel- no need for that figlio, he was telling the truth.

Mateo-buon giorno papa, Fratello

Alejandro- buon giorno papa, Fratello you look like shit.

Miguel- ABBASTANZA !!  ( enough) Alejandro

Junior- do not start me Fratello it will not end well.

Miguel- state zitti e mangiate il vostro cibo se qualcuno sta per porre fine a qualcuno di voi , saro io se continuerete ad andare avanti. ( shut up all of you and eat your food, if anyone is going to end anyone of you it will be me is you keep going )

Junior pov as soon as papa said that we all went quite for a few minutes till my brother's and I burst out laughing, we laughed even harder when papa gave us his warning glare, which by the way no longer works on us which he knows because he to couldn't hold it in and started laughing then I heard cries, cries my babies are here I pushed out of my chair and ran to them I could see the one screaming non other them my principessa Marcela I took her from my mama's arms and she smiles at me.

Junior pov as soon as papa said that we all went quite for a few minutes till my brother's and I burst out laughing, we laughed even harder when papa gave us his warning glare, which by the way no longer works on us which he knows because he to co...

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I glanced at mio figlio and he is sleeping peacefully lol I swear that boy of mine can sleep through anything.

I glanced at mio figlio and he is sleeping peacefully lol I swear that boy of mine can sleep through anything

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Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now