Losing hope

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Junior pov- It's been 4 months, 4 fucking months she hasn't woken up yet sure every day before I start work the kids and I see her and she has been moving her hand giving light squeezes but that stopped happening 3 days ago and it killed me her moving was the only light of hope I had.
The only good news I can say is that Alejandro and Lena got Married only on paper they want to wait to have a big wedding when Camila is awake and her health is 100% even though I told them it would be okay they can have a big wedding I want that for them, but Lena said she made a pack with Camila that they would have a double wedding triple if Mateo and Heavenly-Grace where to get married too.
Alejandro and Lena also had there son Mario 2 weeks ago.
Mateo and Heavenly-Grace well they too got Married 2 months and she is 4 months pregnant they too want to wait for the big wedding for Camila.
I am happy they all love her and want to do this together but I can hardly bring myself to say it, but I am starting to lose hope, I am starting to think and feel that I have already lost her.
On other news Nikolai proposed to Diamond she said yes of course there engagement party is tonight, right now she is in there talking to Camila I know it's wrong to listen in on there Conversation but while working it help keeps me calm when I watch the monitors I put all her room.
Diamond is crying she said she feels guilty that she is having this party, she said Nikolai was so happy when she said yes and he wanted to let everyone know that she was his and she was stuck in a hard place she didn't want to upset him or disappoint him and say she didn't want a party.
She then dried her tears up and told her she better wake up before she gets married because she will need her Maid of honour.
But better yet she said you better be awake for you beautiful twins first birthday because that will be the greatest gift for them, for Junior and for rest of the family.
Silent tears came out with what she said, the twins are turning 1 in 5 months, I have to make it as special as I can but I know I can't give them what they truly need there Mama.
My thoughts get interrupted by my phone it's my PA Alexa agrr , what the hell does she want know I swear this woman is getting on my nerves.

Junior- what is Alexa I am in the middle of something this better be important.
You already know I Only go through meetings Via Zoom my father is there so what is it?

Alexa- Sorry Junior I really am but there is very important documents that you need to come in and sign personally.

Junior- just give it to my father and he will give it to me, and it's Mr Cruz to you

Alexa- Mr Cruz your father already left for the day it really needs to be sign and sent today.

Junior- Fine I will be there in an hour( hangup )

Junior pov- shit no body is home well it looks like the twins are going to have to come with me.
I switched the monitors to the twins room and see they are waking up perfect timing I will go get them ready and feed then we can say there goodbye to Mama.
As soon as I get there, they are jumping up and down in the cribs giggling they can both talk quite a lot for babies mama said there little geniuses just like me when I was a baby.

Massimo - papa we go see mama

Marcela - mama still sleep papa

Junior- si mama is still sleeping but we will go see her after you eat okay, then you will go to work with papa I just have to sign some things then we can go to the park and maybe a little ice cream a little bit only we will all share but you have to promise that when mama wakes up you don't ever tell her I gave you ice cream.

Junior pov- they both giggle at me and tell me yes.
When the kids finished eating I picked them both up and started the walk to Camila room as soon as we get there they both instantly reach for her, even if she isn't completely here this two are very much attached to her.

Massimo- mama we go work with papa, but we be back real soon okay ( kisses all over her face )

Marcela- yeah we won't be long mama, I love you, you wake up when we get back okay bye mama.

Junior pov- I leans over and kiss her pale lips see you soon mia amore.
After our goodbyes I called my driver I didn't feel like driving anywhere, I put the kids in the back of the SUV in the carseats and buckled them up then we took off.
Once we pulled up to our building I took them
Both out and carried them up by the time I got to my floor and stepped out of the elevator my PA Alexa was there wearing god knows what the only thing I know is that its two sizes to small as soon as she see me she all smiles but when she finally noticed my kids are here her face drops well to be fair no one but family really knows about them we wanted to keep them
Out of the Media for as long as possible.

Alexa - Mr Cruz who's kids are those are you like babysitting or something

Junior- no Alexa but since you feel the right to put your nose where is doesn't belong this are my kids.

Alexa- really are you sure there yours any crazy woman you had an I counter could have just said that to trap you for money.

Junior- shut up Alexa one more word, just speak one more word out of term and you will be ( cutoff)

Massimo- ( points his toy gun at her and shoots the plastic bullet at her head ) fired hheehee

Marcela- no job for you ugly

Junior pov - I couldn't help but laugh, mama was right they really are like me.

Junior- couldn't have put it better figlio , as my son said Alexa no your place one word about my children and you will never get a job anywhere ever again do I make myself clear.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now