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This is another short chapter when Junior finds out that Levi escaped taking  his brother and Mila along with the two older men with him.

Junior pov- I was gunna wait till morning to go home but Camila woke up about 1.30 in the morning by 2.30 most of us where all on our way home I told Jason and Joshua and a few guards to take that Bastard and his bitch along with his friends and his brother later on that day.
We got home and not even an hour had passed by of us been home and I get a call from Jason telling me that there gone.
I instantly threw the phone in anger and started to destroy my papa office smashing everything in sight.
While I was lost in my own state on mind I didn't hear anyone enter the room until they spoke I couldn't tell who it was there voice was raspy but a whisper like they lost there voice as soon as I turned around my jaw dropped and my heart raced.

Miguel- well I have seen you this destructive since you where a little boy and Camila left back home to Spain, but at least in my your own room well the ones you shared with brother's.

Junior- papa... god w...what are you doing up you should be resting not walking around.....w...when did you get up... oh god mama did, d...did mama wake up to...

Miguel- We woke up yesterday, Gustavo/ Dr Domingo Sr told me what happen, everything that happen.
I am out of been because I new you would need me, Anthony told me that they escaped so I will build my strength back and we will take them down, but for now you need to calm down figlio this, what your doing will not help, Now clean this shit up then go up to see your mama.

Junior pov- I can't believe his awake they both are things are starting to turn around I run across the room and hugged him, he returned it but it wasn't how he use to he has lost most his muscles but lucky his not stiff we made sure to hire physical therapist to constantly Move their limbs so they wouldn't be stiff when they woke up.

Junior- I am sorry papa, I failed everything went down hill when you and mama went into a coma Camila got taken because I was focus on the person selling Company secrets only to find out it was just a ruse to put me off track and get me distracted and he took her his name is Levi his brother Jarrod was the one that made the poisonous gas bombs that took you all out and nearly killing all of you especially you and mama because you where locked in the room and it was all that bitch Mila there all connected to her, Jarrod his little brother did help he gave you all antidote, his bastard brother Levi almost raped Camila.
The only happy news is that she is safe now you and mama are awake oh and Camila it pregnant.

Miguel- I am gunna be Nonno ( grandfather) well looks like me and your Mama came out of our coma in time.
I am here now we will get them back I promise and I will get back to my full strength you and your brother's will have to help me we will start training tomorrow but I think we all need a family night.
You could never disappoint me I am proud of how you and your brother's handled things, as you know been in a Mafia has it's risk but you guys pulled it through they may have gotten away but they won't for long. Now I am going back upstairs to your mother clean this shit up and get all your brother's and your sister and come to our room.

Junior pov- After my papa left I felt slightly better I started to clean everything up, properly thinking why don't I just get the maids to do it but thats not how mama and papa raised us if we made a mess because we lost our temper doing what I just did we are expected to clean our self.
Once I was done I was about to walk out when brother's Mateo and Alejandro walk it.

Mateo- Fratello we just got back from the hospital wing and....a...and mama and papa are gone d..( Junior cut his brother off)

Junior- go get Emilio ,Emmanuel and Miracle, Papa and mama are awake there in there room they want us to go there.

Alejandro- what ...how...when ...

Junior- papa said last night

Junior pov- we all walk up the stairs getting the rest of our siblings and headed to there room we all fought to who would go in the door first which resulted in us falling through the door which made mama laugh, we all ran up to them wrapping our arms around them.
Finally in the misted of all this destruction happiness has come.
Levi and Mila and who ever they are associated with can wait.
Our family is hole again, that you god for answering our prays.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now