Honeymoon- Mateo and Heavenly- Grace

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Mateo pov- I couldn't be more happier then I am now to be able to give her a real wedding and a honeymoon she didn't have one because there was complications in her pregnancy but looking at her I can't help there is something wrong she has been pretty distant even with our son Gabriel
I have asked her so many times she just ends up screaming and crying and it kills me that she won't open up to me and I don't know how to help her I can tell something is bothering her.
We just arrived, I would carry her but I know she hates it and I don't want upset her.

Mateo- hey sweetheart we are here, I hope you like the place I chose.

Heavenly-Grace - it's nice peaceful, I'm tried still I am gunna head back to bed

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Heavenly-Grace - it's nice peaceful, I'm tried still I am gunna head back to bed.

Mateo- babe you haven't eaten yet, I was also gunna call mama son we can talk to Gabriel before he goes for his nap.

Heavenly-Grace - I will call when I wake up, I have a really bad headache I just need to sleep

Mateo- okay do you want me to get you something for your headache I pack some in my bag

Heavenly-Grace- yeah that will be good thank you.

Mateo pov - I left her to go get the pills , man I need find out what is going on with her, maybe I can look through her phone or get Markus to look through her laptop some thing is up and I will find out.
I grabbed the pills and some water and head up to give it to her.

Mateo- hey baby I got you some medicine and water, I am gunna make something to eat I will make some extra in case you get hungry.
Love you baby get some sleep( I kissed her on her cheek and went to get something to eat.

Heavenly-Grace- night Mateo

Mateo pov- ( sigh ) I took a deep breath grabbed some food just made a sandwich and grabbed a bottle water and a bottle of Bourbon.
I started drinking lost in my own thoughts looking out into the night sky, I picked up Heavenly's phone and types in her passcode as I was looking through it  trying to find anything to tell me what is going on with her but I found nothing.
Sighing in frustration I picked up my phone and called Markus

Markus- hey Mateo Fratello hows your honeymoon going why are you calling me instead on tending to your wife.

Mateo- shut up and listen to me I need you to do something for me.

Markus- okay...okay chill what's up what do you need.

Mateo- look make  sure this stay between the two of us I need you to look into  Heavenly's  phone and laptop history and let me know what you find.

Markus- okay  I'll get on it right away, but can I know why Fratello, did something happen.

Mateo- it's nothing I hope, it's just she hasn't been the same this last year some thing is wrong but I can't get her to tell me.

Markus- say no more I will get on it, say hi to heavenly for me and enjoy your honeymoon I will see you when you get back.

Mateo pov - I continued to just sit by the pool drinking my Bourbon, trying to think of what I can do to make her happy again.
God please help me, I feel like I am losing her, she barely wants to be around me I feel it, I brushed it off and made excuses when everyone in family ask me what was wrong with her they can all see she is not the same.
I hope Markus that has for me what ever it is, if it's someone trying to hurt her threatening her I will fix it I will find who ever it is and I will kill them.
After I finish my Bourbon I walked back into the room  I stripped down into my boxers and cuddled up to her but I ended up retracting my arms as soon as I felt her Stiffen  her body, I whispered into her ears

Mateo- baby girl please tell me wants wrong
I feel like your sleeping away from me.
( I kissed her cheek)  your my love my forever and always.

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