Date night

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Junior pov- I woke up to the most beautifulest sight, mi coniglia laying peacefully sleeping in my arms just where she belongs always in my arms.
I have back to back meetings my papa said it's to ensure all our clients that I am more then capable to take over he wants to retire and take mama on a private tour around the world they will take there ship and sent sail, he said mama always wanted to do that but because of us and work they never had the time I am happy that they get to do that they deserve it. So since I will be busy for at least 2 months Starting tomorrow I want to make tonight special I have it all planed, I just hope she loves it, she deserves the world and I want to give it to her.
Thinking about last night makes me instantly hard remembering how our bodies become one, how amazing her body fit into mine, we where truly meant for each other.
'Shit... last night I was so lost in the passion of our love making I forgot to wear a condom, not that I would mind her carrying my heir but I know she isn't ready we still have plenty of time for that.
I looked over at her and she is starting to stir awake.

Junior- morning mio piccola coniglia how are you feeling your not in to much pain are you, here I got you medicine for the pain take them I have the maids bringing our breakfast they should be here soon, come I will help you to the bathroom would you like bath or shower baby.

Camila- mmm a bath but I can walk, I will be fine

Junior- not going to happen baby, you don't need to walk at least not today, not when you have me wait here I will get your bath ready, don't you move.

Camila- yes babe I promise relax and stop looking at me like that and get my bath ready mr controlling lol....

Junior- well today Mr controlling has got something special for his soon to be queen
( kissing her softly on her lips )

Junior pov - I left her on our bed looking so delicious it took everything in me not to take her for a couple more rounds but I know she is sore.
I went into our bathroom and filled up the bath and put in her favourite bath scents and bath bombs in once the bath was filled I went back into our room I picked up her delicate body covered all in my marks.

Junior- mmm coniglia you are looking so good covered in my marks, Come on my sweet baby time to get you cleaned up we have a big day a head of us.

Camila- what are we doing? And why did you plan a hole day

Junior- baby I planned it cause well you use I will be taking over soon my papa is retiring so for few months I will be having back to back meetings so we won't be able to spend much time together so I wanted to make today special.
And sorry baby but I am not going to tell you its a surprise.

Camila- ( pouting) whyyyyy..... pleaseee.... Just a little hint ( puppy dog eyes )

Junior- As adorable as your puppy dog eyes are coniglia I am still not telling you.
( I put her in the bath and began washing her she was moaning while I washing her hair and body )
coniglia come on it's time to get out our breakfast is already here.
I also got one of the maids to get you the morning after pill I didn't use a condom last night and I know your not ready for a baby, I wouldn't mind but I know....

Camila- babe it's okay... ummm I am actually ready on the pill to regulate my periods so your good I wouldn't have let you come inside me if I wasn't on the pill.
It's not that I am ready but you know my papa even if it's you both our parents would want us to be married before we have any babies.

Junior- true and I would like to have you to myself before I have to share your attention but still can't wait for that day.

Junior- the day will come sooner then she thinks, not the baby but marry her my brother and I 18th birthday will be in 3 months which is when my papa will hand it over to me he thinks I am ready.
And 2 months after my brothers and I's birthday its Camila I also have started planning that day already everything has to be perfect.
Camila came out of the walk in closet and wow she looks so breathtaking

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now