Author's Note

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Hey so I just want to say that I haven't written fanfic in years, I got really sick and laid up for a few days so I started reading on here, got a few ideas and now I'm 50 pages into this XD

Please forgive the atrocious writing, I'm not great at it.

In this plotline essentially Thor, Loki, and the Asgardians made it to Earth with no interception from Thanos, and to put it plainly, Star-Lord didn't cuck it. 

Also: Sorry, not sorry about how much music is mentioned in this story, I love the violin and I incorporated it with the character. Also, the character is you but in order to help me write in accordance with the type of story I'm using, I've given her a specific look.

I'll be honest, I was really depressed and just locked myself away and wrote this for five days straight and now I'm wrapped up in the plot. So IDK if its good or not, writing this has made me happy in a way so I'm posting here to share hoping maybe it'll help someone else through a rough time. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.



This story contains:

Combat-related PTSD, investigative torture, subjugation k!nk, ptsd and others to be filled out as story continues.


This story also has a completed director's cut on my profile under the same name with this poster if you'd rather. It has been edited for clarity, has more lemons, and includes new content.

 It has been edited for clarity, has more lemons, and includes new content

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