49. Everyone's Camera-Happy

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You sighed and ushered your goodbyes before hanging up the phone "So that's a thing now." you said, sitting back on the couch to watch the video. The tornado dispersed after a bit and showed you with Thor's ax in your hands and the buzzer smashed on his chest. Loki set down his plate and scooted over "Still incredible to watch" he said, kissing your temple as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You smiled a little, watching the video until Tony stopped playing it "Incredible. I can't wait to show her off to all of you, thank you so much!" he said then stepped away. 

You sighed and turned off the TV "WEll I guess there's not much I can do now... Though I do really need a phone." you said, handing Loki back his "Well luckily once we're done, we can just" he made his fingers walk in air "Right out of here." he said. You chuckled a little "That's true... There's so many things we can do too! Oh there's so many Earth places I can take you~" you cooed happily, your mood instantly increasing. He chuckled and kissed your head as Nora stepped in, changed into a shirt and some jeans "Hey, sorry... Ready to start?" she asked, holding up her violin. 

You nodded "Yeah babe, but first, you're cleaning and eating" you said, gesturing to the room as you stood, taking yours and Loki's dishes into the kitchen. You grabbed Nora some breakfast and put your dishes in the sink, then walked back into the living room before sighing "I forgot my violin." you whined a little then teleported away for a moment to grab it and came back. During that time Nora tidied everything up great as Loki seemed to just sit there, slightly irritated as Nora seemed unbothered. You arched a brow then shrugged and set down your case "Okay, we're just going to start with basics today." you said, to which she nodded "I sort of watched some videos and learned how once I woke up from our talk" she said. 

You smiled "Good!" you said then showed her certain cords and such, she was even able to play a cord, she was progressing nicely! You nodded "Alright cool. You're doing a good job so far dude, we may not need to do much else," you said, making her smile and flush "Thank you... Um... I have a training session with Thor so I gotta go." she said. Loki looked up and blinked "Sorry, but I-" you cleared your throat "No no Loki, she's made excellent progress, she can head out early" you insisted. 

He arched a brow at you then sat back again, following your lead as Nora nodded "Okay, thank you I appreciate it." you shook your head "Don't worry about it. 12 tomorrow good?" you asked, she nodded and scurried out the door. He arched a brow at you "You really want those two to fuck don't you?" he asked, you rolled your eyes "Not fuck, I want them to get together, they're so cute!" you said while sitting down, going to put your instrument away when Loki stopped you "May I?" he asked. 

You blinked and nodded "Uh... Sure, yeah." you said, you handed it off to him "Just be careful? Petunias my baby." you said carefully. He nodded and positioned the instrument on his shoulder "You'll want to hold it right here" you said, positioning his hands carefully "There, now keep your fingers like that and just barely move the bow... Like this." you said. He was able to carefully play a couple of notes but he did make that horrid screeching noise that you hate so dearly "Ah! Okay, thats fine, it happens" you said, the noise causing him to hold his ear "That was awful" he murmured. 

You nodded "Sometimes you make music sometimes you make nonsense." you said with a shrug. You kept showing him certain things that he could do for a bit, he repeated some notes as he cleared his throat "Now that our sparring spot has been absconded with, how shall we fill the time?" he asked. You shrugged "How about buying me a new phone?" you asked, making him mess up a note before he continued to practice the notes "Don't know how I can do that with no money darling." you arched a brow "Wait, Loki are you not getting paid for your missions?" you asked. He blinked and stared at you "Wait, you are?" he asked, to which you nodded "Yeah, I'm making really good money, how do you think I got you the bookshelf?" you said. 

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