55. Comfort

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He smiled at you, nodding a bit as Bruce worked to get the metal out "Okay... Now we need to stitch" he said, you reached your hand back "Hang on, point me where you made the incision" you said. Bruce took your hand and guided you along with the cut, but only small sparks came out, the power was still there, but very weak still. You groaned a little in annoyance "Discord... Sol, Discord... Sol?" you questioned, getting scared "(Y/N) your powers are very weak right now, chances are Sol is too. We just have to take it day by day" Strange said, walking around you to stand by Loki. You nodded and sighed "Fine, fine" you murmured as someone else walked in


You looked up to see Nora looking at you concerned, terrified even "It looks a lot worse than it is, Kid, I'm fine" you said as she squeezed between the two boys. She looked up at Bruce "Besides the silver did you see anything else in there?" she asked, you narrowed your brow "Uh... No, not that I saw." Bruce said, causing her to sigh. You looked up at her with an arched brow "How do you know what metal it is?" you asked as Bruce began stitching you up. Nora pressed her lips inward as her eyes darted down, "I uh... Well this mission happened in that movie of yours? You get silver stuck in you and when they go to remove it, they find a... Uh... Baby." she said nervously. 

You snickered a little and held her hand "Nora, I think we established that this is a different plot than the movies of your world. I'm on birth control and there's nothing else... However, while I have you here, Did I lose my powers in the movie?" you asked. Strange looked at you as though you were insane "Long story, she's from a different dimension where this is all a movie" you surmised before Nora nodded and looked back at you "Its the silver" she said, holding out her hand to Bruce who gave it to her "Its kinda your only weakness... Thats why your magic didn't work in the mountain either, its the only thing that'll hinder your powers." she explained, looking at the silver in her hand. 

You nodded "I see... Am I okay after this?" you asked, she nodded quickly "Yeah, you're just laid up sick for a bit, it takes a couple of days for you to get the residue out of your system." she explained then coughed a little. Loki gripped your hand with one of his before taking the silver out of her hands "If she gets sick then you will too fool" he murmured, handing the silver to Strange as he wasn't sure if it affected him. You winced a little as Bruce finished sewing up everything "Alright, you're all sewed up kid, try to take it easy the next few days. Plenty of bed rest, water, food, and TLC, try not to tear your stitches." he said as he cleaned up your incision. 

Loki nodded as he spoke, paying more attention than you did. You looked up at Strange as he cleared his throat "I can't thank you enough for helping me on this mission, (Y/N), unfortunately, it seems like that beast is only the beginning of things. I hope I can count on you in the future, for now, I uh..." he glanced up, you smiled slowly as he seemed to be looking at a Nightwolf. You smirked and cleared your throat "She'll need help, more than just a cure, you know that right? We have no idea how long she was up there all alone." you said. 

He nodded then looked down "I know... Thank you again... Are you going to be okay?" he asked, glancing over at Loki suspiciously who glared back "Yes, I'm fine." you said, reassuring him. He nodded "Okay... Nightwolf, shall we?" he asked before turning and opening a portal, the wolf walked over to you and licked your head. You laughed and reached up and pet her head, scratching her ears as she leaned her mouth over to you and opened it, letting something small and shiny fall out. 

You gasped a little and grabbed it remembering you gave her the ring, you sighed a little "Thank you... I hope I'll hear from you again soon." you said with a smile. She licked at you again making you laugh before Strange and Nightwolf walked through the portal. Loki looked down at you "What was that about?" he asked, you laughed "Don't worry about it, Loki, just take me to my room please?" you asked while sitting up. Loki sighed and nodded before turning so his back was to you "Come on, hop up" he said, gesturing you to his back. You hopped onto his back, holding him around his neck while his arms kept your legs still "Kid, is there anything else I should know?" you asked Nora, who sighed "Not really, this timeline is so different and if you're not pregnant right now I don't know what that means for you" she said. 

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