4. Suffer With Me (2-2)

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--Loki's POV--

I turned the page in my book, creasing the next page as I shifted in my bed, enjoying a quiet morning in my bed. I'd spent most of the year doing this every morning, it seemed to help throughout the day, and gives me time to think of ways to keep myself entertained without using the idiot box they use. I scanned down the page only looking up for a moment as I heard someone running past my door but shrugged it off, one of the guards probably.

After a moment passed I furrowed my brow hearing 'Loki!' appeared in my mind, but I could only smile "Ah, yes, the other mind reader" I said aloud then used my powers to see through her eyes, she was curled up on the ground, shaking, and crying.

My smile fell slightly, wondering why she was so upset, it was just a sleep spell after all I'd done nothing.

'I'm sorry dear, but I've been told explicitly by you that you are not to be disturbed when in your room' I thought while turning the page in my book.

'Loki, please... I need you here'

I looked at my arm seeing the goosebumps her breathy voice caused and smiled, closing my book, this could be a better use of my morning.

'Ooo telling a man to PLEASE come to you... How naughty. ' I teased, leaning my head back

'Loki seriously, I'm so overwhelmed... I'm going to pass out.' I arched a brow in confusion

'Overwhelmed by what, dear girl?' I started then smirked, getting an idea 'Oh... Does this have something to do with what you thought last night before you slept?'

After a moment of silence, I frowned and opened my book, it's no fun if they stop playing

'That's it if I'm suffering, so are you!' I frowned

'Wait-Wha-' I'd started before the thoughts of the couple hundred Midguardian idiots in the building began overwhelming me, causing me to clutch my head just as she did. Is this what she goes through? Is this why she's in pain? This is awful!


I groaned and sat up for a moment before teleporting to her room. I groaned and held my head as I arrived. 'What do you need?! Speak quickly girl or I will cease this sound from my mind by ending your life!' I thought angrily at her.

She groaned and raised her arm shakingly pointing to a small blue case on her bed. I walked over, grabbing it and opening it. There were two small blue blobs. I looked over to see her ripping a similar pair of blue blobs out of her ear and continuing to clench her head in pain. I looked at the two and realized what she needed and turned her over onto her back, flipping the small switch before shoving them into her ears, then, seemingly all at once, the noise stopped. I panted and rested my arms on each side of her head.

Looking down at her wasn't a terrible sight either, she laid there in tight black pants and a green sweater that seemed all too hot now. She was out of breath, exhausted, and overwhelmed, seeing her like that sent shivers down my spine, I'd dare say I'd love to see it again, under much more fun circumstances.

(Y/N)'s POV

You panted and laid your arms down "Thank you" you managed to whisper before looking up at him, causing you to freeze, you hadn't realized the position they were in nor that he was shirtless. Your eyes glanced down as he still seemed to be recovering the ordeal you'd put him through, catching sight of the V that just barely poked above his pajama bottoms. 

You followed his chest up, he was essentially chiseled and had patches that just barely grew on his stomach. You met his steely eyes as he smirked down at you, catching you in the act "It's nice to see I'm not the only one enjoying the view." he said. You rolled your eyes and pulled yourself out from underneath. "Well, as much as I love talking to you, I would like to know just what the hell that was?!" he asked, clearly upset.

You yanked yourself onto the bed still panting "It's all the people in this buildings thoughts..." you trailed then looked at him "So you seriously can't hear that regularly?" you asked, causing him to shake his head and sit back on the floor, crossing his legs "No, I can't. I only read one mind at a time, what sort of lunatic reads an entire building?" he asked rudely. You looked away then sighed as Loki looked up in realization "Wait... Is that what you hear all the time?" he asked, making you nod "I can hear everyone for miles and miles and I can't control it." you admitted, holding up your phone.

You turned on the app that Tony designed "Tony made me this just so I could come here, I lived alone in the mountains before now." you explained, taking some deep breaths. Loki chuckled breathlessly "You have as much mental training as a child." He remarked you looked up with a frown then stood and walked over. "I didn't ask for this, so don't you dare insult me like I'm the child with a toy they can't control. I'm a woman that was minding her business one minute and had my world completely turned topside a moment later. So Thank you for helping me, but your remarks are not needed or necessary." you said then went to walk around him when you got dizzy

'Damn' you thought, forget about this part, and began to fall backward, your whole world spinning before you, waiting to make contact with the tile floor. Suddenly you stopped, seeing a mess of black hair to your left, and looked over to see Loki smirking down at you "Did you not need this either dear?" he asked sarcastically. You groaned and went to stand but Loki made you sit "Just sit still for a moment." he demanded as you cradled your head.

He looked you up and down before looking to the side and sighing "Here" he said, adjusting himself in front of you, picking up the phone you'd dropped. You watched as he adjusted them so they sat knee to knee "Adjust it so you can hear the people in the common room" he said, gesturing the phone. You arched a brow, after what you'd done, you were a little suspicious of this. You did comply though, unsure of what he planned, bracing for another overwhelming feeling. 

He cleared his throat "I'm going to project an image if you want to stop seeing it you need to build a wall" he said, making you tilt your head, we were training now? Okay... You closed your eyes as he did, it was dark then an image of Loki looking at you unpacking your stuff. You huffed, knowing this was coming "If you don't like looking at it then do something, lest I get creative."he said with a shrug. You closed your eyes again to see the image of him approaching you, trying desperately to build that wall before-


You went flush at the thought and shook your head "I suppose creativity is required." he said then began to manipulate the dream. In it, you turned and Loki caressed your cheek softly, you ravenously grabbed his hand and began to lick at his fingers. You blushed more, focussing harder on the wall, the image faded a bit but you could still see things... Things like Loki grabbing your hair and pulling you downward, stopping your at his waist.

You gasped a bit and shook your head, all at once, the images stopped, you blinked your eyes open to see Loki sitting there with his eyes closed "Are you still projecting?" you asked, causing him to snap back to you and smile "Good, you made a wall?"he asked. You sniffled and nodded "Atleast I think so... Did you have to go there though?" you asked,annoyed he went right to sex, he chuckled "I had to get some fun out of this." he said.

You shook your head and stood "Thank you" you said kindly then offered your hand "And I'm sorry I had to yank you in like that, I just... I just wanted it to stop" you said as he took your hand and stood.

He nodded "Well that was terribly unpleasant I can understand wanting assistance" he said, you nodded then went to open the door and let him out


A/N: After this I will be updating one part on Fridays and one part on Saturday, I just wanted to get a good chunk of it out. Thanks so much for reading! 

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