63. The Last Night Together

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The Asgardians had been sent to their homes and told to wait there while you and the Avengers surrounded Hati who still possessed Thor. He was at least now present and aware of the situation, you were sitting down, rubbing your feet with your warmed-up hands, thank you Sol. Sol blinked, making you look at your dress "Why am I in a wedding dress?" she asked "Loki and I got married today" you said. Sol snapped your head up then back down "Why am I pregnant?" she asked, you rolled your eyes "Well you know those nights you couldn't walk so well after?" "Loki!" you exclaimed, slapping him.

Sol ran her hands through her hair "Can someone clue me in?! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" she exclaimed, very annoyed. You jumped at her yell and closed your eyes, knocking down your walls as she peered through your memories, tears began running down your cheek as your hands ceased rubbing. Loki blinked up at you realizing what happened and slowly reached over, taking your foot in his hands and began rubbing softly. Hati watched carefully for a moment then sighed "I had no idea the lengths that Skoll would go to in order for this plan to work... This poor woman." he said. 

Loki looked up, "How did he do all this?" he asked "Dream whispering. There was a general who'd gone blind that he whispered orders to. He arranged for her birth control to be tampered with, the kidnapping, everything."he explained. Loki stopped and blinked "Skoll did all of that to just Sol?" he asked, Hati shook his head and looked down "He attempted to do the same to Nora for me, but he said it never worked for some reason. I never wanted that either." he said, Thor nodded, lacing his fingers "I believe him." he said.

Coming back to reality you gasped and blinked, wiping away your tears and smiled at Loki before looking at Hati "When will he be here?" you asked with Sol. Hati sighed "Couple of months... So we don't have time for this," he said, pointing at your belly, you narrowed your eyes "Oh Okay, sorry I'll just speed up, I don't know why I haven't done that yet." you murmured. Hati shrugged "I know you're being a smart ass but I'm trying to offer you assistance with that" he said "I can speed up the birthing cycle without harming the baby and send you into labor". You blinked at him "What?" you asked flatly, Bruce stepped forward, the Avengers were sitting at a table mostly trying to absorb everything in "That can't be good for either party involved" he stated.

Hati looked over "It is an old spell, Asgardians have used it for years" he said, you stared as Loki scoffed "The Birthing spell is for mothers who are dying, it puts an unbelievable strain on the body" he said. You continued to stare at Hati and he stared back to you, Loki looked between you two before kneeling in front of you "(Y/N) you can't seriously be considering this after the hell you just went through, Sol only just came back" he said. You glanced at him, pressing your lips together "I am considering it because of the hell I just went through" you said, meeting his eyes "I need time to train and workout, if I have them sooner-" "-You could be in worse shape when he comes. This spell is unbelievably strenuous!" he snapped.

You glared "You know what's unbelievably strenuous? Being pregnant while a nazi psycho is keeping you hostage and trucking you to different countries, being pregnant when you don't want to be pregnant, and finding out you're a vessel for a god. I've taken everything thats been thrown at me against my will, so if I have the chance to suffer when I choose to I'm going to do it!" you snapped back. Loki pursed his lips as you stared at each other, he sighed and reached up, cupping your hands "If you really want this I'm behind you." he said gently. You smiled, leaning into his hand and nuzzling it a little before looking up at Hati with a small glare "My husband and I are going to enjoy our wedding night. We'll do this tomorrow." you said.

Hati sighed as you stood "As I said we don't really have time-" "-It wasn't a request, you interrupted my wedding I'll be damned if you interrupt my wedding night" you snapped making Hati nod almost obediently. Loki stood and held your arm and side, preparing to walk to the cabin "Wait" Sol said "I... (Y/N) can I please just see him for a moment?" she asked. You sighed, glancing over you knew Hati probably wasn't going to do anything, you nodded and turned to him, allowing Sol to take the controls for a moment. Her eyes glowed and she walked over to Hati as he stood "You have to know... I had no choice." she said, stepping closer. He reached up, caressing her cheek softly "I know you didn't, I know, I'm not mad anymore... God I'm just so happy to be near you again, I missed you" he said, leaning his forehead to hers.

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