21. Welcome to the Family

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Happiness had to end some time~ 

It was officially time to get up, had to head back to headquarters sometime today. You both decided on another quick shower (Which got a little handsy at times.) As you got redressed in your party clothes you looked at him "Uh... Hey that picture you took... You said you needed it for the mission?" you asked, slipping your bra back on. 

Loki buttoned up his shirt while turning to you "Yeah, I'm heading out on a mission tomorrow, I'll be gone for two days max." he said, tilting his head "I thought you knew?" he asked. You shook your head "They don't keep me in the mission loops since I'm not an Avenger '' you explained simply before sitting down to pull on your stockings. 

He blinked as he finished buttoning his shirts "I suppose that's true..." he trailed then slipped his dress pants up, distracting you for a moment before shaking your head and trying to slide on the other stocking, but it kept getting caught on your nails. After a moment Loki knelt down and fiddled with the bunching before sliding it back up to your thigh and held it there as he placed a few kisses where the top of your stockings was, making you flush again 

"L-Loki..." you trailed shyly. He looked up at you with a smile "Best not leave you too wanting pet, wouldn't want you to stray while I'm aloft" he said, making you giggle "As if." you said, making him grin and stand over you, kissing your lips as he yanked you up. 

You smiled and grabbed your dress, slipping it on quickly before turning "Zip me?" he nodded, placing his coat and tie over his arm before he helped you but left his hands on your corset part for a moment "Everything okay?" he cleared his throat and nodded then leaned in "You look beautiful" he said, kissing her cheek before taking her hand. The two of you walked out to the elevator as Clint walked out and frowned seeing you two hand in hand "Ugh... I was kinda hoping that wasn't true... C'mon, we're all at the Longue floor" he said, waving you two over to the elevator.

In the elevator you could cut the tension with a knife, it was weirdly awkward

'Did I do something to Clint? He seems really upset...' I thought at Loki who glanced at you, then him then forward.

'He's upset we're holding hands because he hates me' he thought simply back, to which you noted and brushed it off but Loki did put his arm around your waist as we got closer to the floor you were leaving from. Everyone seemed to be relaxing as the doors opened, you went to step out but stopped realizing Loki wasn't moving, he just seemed to be staring at the room surprised. He glanced between you and the room and cleared his throat "Sorry... Just... Been a while since I've been here" he said "Ahh" you said, realizing they probably fought up here during New York.

"Hey, you're being invited in this time though..." you trailed while stepping out, pulling him by his hand out of the elevator and out of his comfort zone. You turned to everyone (Avengers, Squad, and Sister) with a big smile "Thanks again for the party, presents, and good times everyone!" you exclaimed as your sister walked over "I need to go, sorry, I have work." she ushered, giving you a hug, which you tightly returned. You pulled back and brushed the hair out of her face 

"Be safe Queen"

"You too Bean," she said before walking over to Sam, who was in full gear. You looked up at her "Oh, taking the Falcon to express this time?" you asked, making her turn and flip you off before turning around as Falcon smiled "Oh hey, Sam!" you hollered, making him look at you

"The two of you fly real safe okay?" you asked in a voice dripping in sweetness.

'If you hurt my sister on the flight, or in her heart, I'll show you how I got 67 confirmed kills in Fallujah' you projected, still smiling as Sam blinked and nodded "Haha, alright scary lady" he said then turned as Serena looked confused. You smirked as they took off then looked at the squad "I'm surprised you guys all stayed" you said, nudging Rich a little who laughed. They handed you a beer, specifically in a can "We wanted one more drink for Micks and one last camp cry!" Eva said. 

She Burns (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now