12. Your Apology

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You immediately dug through your clothes, throwing on a t-shirt and some random baggy basketball shorts, cinching them tightly before going to teleport to Loki's door. You heard a small gasp to your side to see a tall and buff man standing there "Oh! I'm sorry uh..." you trailed, forgetting Loki's escort's name "Pierre" he said, to which you nodded "Right, Pierre, I'm sorry... Is he?" you asked, to which he nodded and gestured you to go ahead and knock. You bit your lip and went to knock but stopped hearing a rustling and placed your ear to the door for a moment hearing some grunting? You shook your head and knocked 

"Not now!" he yelled almost angrily, making you jump a little

 "Oh, okay, I'll talk to you later," you said, turning away for a second 

"(Y/N) ? Wait, hang on!" he said before you heard some light rustling followed by a tap and some crashing.

"Loki are you okay?!" 

"Yes! Just don't come in!" he yelled before some light footsteps and the door opened to show him wrapped up in... "Are those your bedsheets?" you asked, tilting your head. He glanced down and back up before grinning "Ah, yes. Are you alright?"Loki asked, opening the door for you to come in, you walked in fiddling with your fingers "I just wanted to talk for a minute, I'm okay." you said then looked up and gasped a little. 

The room was completely different than what you were used to, there were columns, a gold and green theme, fruit bowls, and such. You looked back at Loki surprised "So you and Stark became fast friends" you said, blinking, he chuckled a little, shutting the door "All me" he said then waved his hand, peeling back the charade of illusion to reveal basically the same room you had. You nodded as he walked past you going to sit on the bed "Ah, I see... I don't blame you, the pure white is triggering to my void complex, it feels like I'm floating in spa-" you stopped as you and Loki, who has literally floated in a void before, locked eyes for a moment. 

You coughed "Sorry." you said as he fully sat down "Its fine," he said as you walked over and sat next to him, both of you somewhat staring at your hands in each perspective lap for an awkward moment "So um... Loki, what do you remember from last night?" you asked. He huffed "You were awake after me love I think you owe me some answers." he said, still focusing on his hands, you sighed "Yeah... Okay," you said, turning and knocking down your wall with a flick, making him look at your hand "Yeah okay...?" he asked, making you sigh and look up "Seriously?" you asked "As a heart attack dear." he said, fidgeting with his nails. 

You groaned exasperatingly and let your head slump dramatically down "Yes Loki, you're right" you said. He smiled and looked over "Am I the rightest though?" he asked, leaning back on his elbows, letting his chest puff out, you snorted and hit him with a pillow. He took it off with a grin, looking up at you "You can look through my memories" you said, he shook his head "Oh no, you're not getting me to let you off that easy. Come on, tell me what you did" he said. 

You sighed and looked down at your hands "I-" he reached up and grab your chin, making you look at him, holding you there which flushed your face a bit. You cleared your throat as he held you there "I was drunk-" he grabbed your jaw with slight pressure and pulled you forward a little "You're starting an apology with an excuse?" he asked with some base that sent a small shiver down to your stomach and stayed there. 

You inhaled through your nose, leaning forward a little so it was less awkward "After you passed out, I put you on the bed, covered you then stripped down to my underwear to make you think that we'd had sex because at the time I was upset with you." you explained in detail. Loki nodded "... but why were you upset with me? Just, for the record." he said, you frowned "You were awake for that!" you exclaimed, making him pull on you again, earning a slight groan as your cheeks pinched. 

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