40. Fightin' Words

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A//N: Early publish cause I need sleep lol

Loki grabbed your jaw and pulled it up a little "I suppose you do... and I suppose I'll have to see you in your room tonight." he said with a wink to tell you he understood in his way. You blushed a little and nudged him before pulling out the food and stirred it "I may be unavailable for a few days..." you trailed, glancing at One-One as Nat talked to her. You inhaled and looked at Loki ''Can you look into her mind? We're trying to figure out where she came from." you said, he glanced back at her "She doesn't remember?" he asked. 

You shook your head "No she's... She's having a hard time remembering what home is but she definitely knows that she wants to go home." you said simply. After the food finished you turned around and placed the meal on the counter "Eat up" you said, handing her the food and a fork. She smiled and began eating happily as you leaned on the counter "One-one do you remember what home looks like?" you asked, she shook her head "I know I have one though. Everyone does." she said simply. 

You glanced up at Loki who nodded as she looked at him "Are you the witch?" she asked, making you snicker a little as he tilted his head "Excuse me? I am Lo-" "-Cause you're a pretty witch if you are!" she exclaimed then went back to eating. Loki blinked a little then looked at you, narrowing his eyes as you continued to drink what you assumed was Loki's drink. He looked at her and cleared his throat "Thank you" he said then walked over to Thor. 

Loki stared at the statue for a moment holding the cure in his hand, and you could see the wheels in his head turning bit by bit. You prepared to say something when he scoffed and shook his head "Everything in me is telling me to smack him around but I'll break my hand" he said then poured the potion into his eyes, rubbing it in a bit before he pulled away. One-one turned as slowly the stone around him began to crack around him before shattering off of Thor's body "-Don't even know how you did that! It was incredible! It-" he stopped his sentence and looked around "... What happened?" he asked, confused. 

One-One jumped down and ran over "Thank you for saving me, I'm so sorry you got frozen!" she exclaimed, hugging Thor's leg. You held up your hand "Looking into your eyes causes her magic to freeze people in stone. You were in there for a hot minute while Loki made the cure." you said. Thor froze for a moment then nodded and crossed his arms "Right of course... " he said, scooping her up "I'm not upset at all! You are a strong sorcerer for one so little!" he explained. 

You smiled as Thor celebrated, then went to go help Loki clean up his little setup when he came up behind you "I simply can't wait to have you to myself again" he whispered against your neck. You nodded and cleared your throat "And I simply can't wait for you to tell me all about your lineage." you said bitingly, reminding him that you still needed an explanation. He seemed to freeze for a moment before resting his forehead in your hair, only pulling away after a moment continuing to tidy things, avoiding looking at you. 

You sighed and shook your head a little "We promised no secrets... Now if this is hard to talk about, I won't force you but you-" he snapped his head over "I am a god girl, I fear no words, it is you that should fear angering me any further..." he hissed, making you jump. He met your concerned and hurt look with a glare that felt like it was digging into your heart. You stepped back and held up your hands "Feel better, big man?" you asked then turned and walked to the common area, you knew exactly how to handle him when he got upset, you had better things to do than deal with his tantrum. 

The others seemed to be entertaining One-One in the living room while Bruce drew some blood from her, but Thor was closer to you, so he heard some of what happened. He looked between you and Loki "Everything alright?" he asked, making you roll your eyes "No but it will be, he just needs time." you said, frustrated but understanding. He inhaled a little then looked back at Loki who simply continued to clean his station up as you walked over and joined the group. 

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