51. A Conversation With Strange

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A//N:  Thanks for 100 votes! Heres a bonus chapter!


You showered... Well, more just stood there in hot water while you zoned out for twenty minutes before you got out, got into your uniform, tied up your hair, and grabbed your weapons. You walked out, looking around for Loki before you stepped out and headed down the hall to the common area to wait for this alleged 'Partner'. In the living room were Steve and Bucky working on some form of dinner while Thor, Nora, Tony, and Nat waited patiently at the island stools. 

You sighed a little, somewhat relieved Wanda wasn't there, or she'd see what happened and... 

Honestly, she'd kill Loki. 

Like it definitely wouldn't have been hard for her either.

You smiled at everyone and walked around "All dressed in leather for us doll?" Bucky asked, making Steve hold up his hands "Oh, careful, Loki's in the living room." he whispered. You blinked and turned your head towards the living room doorway, just barely in it you were able to see his leg at the chair he usually sits in, but a green shimmer reveals it all. 

An illusion. 

He was probably in his room. 

You turned to them with a smile "Oh come on, Loki doesn't own me, SHIELD does" you joked, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge as you winked. They laughed, then Thor offered you a shot of mead "As much as I'd love to forget today, I have a mission. I'm waiting for Fury to introduce me to your guy's 'Magic guy' for it." you said. Tony groaned a little as everyone seemed to snicker at his anguish, making you confused, except Nora seemed to snicker "Yeah, that would be Stephen Strange '' he said, you could hear Loki's illusion stir and move. 

Thor laughed a little "He's a wonderful sorcerer, he gave me a tankard of never-ending beer... Granted it disappeared, but he helped us greatly!" he exclaimed happily as Loki's illusion stepped out. "He made me fall through a wormhole of nothing for 30 minutes" he murmured, not meeting your eyes. You avoided him on purpose and cleared your throat "Well that's good to hear at least" you said as Tony angrily grumbled the words 'Cocky' and 'wizard' under his breath. 

Tony snapped his fingers and rummaged through his pocket "Before you go, here" he said, giving you a phone "It's an old one so if you get drunk and lose it again it's no big deal." he said. You nodded and took the phone "Thank you" you said, going to redownload the program that controlled your earbuds almost immediately, luckily it was set at 0 automatically so it wasn't deafening but you needed control. You pocketed it as Steve passed out dinner "C'mon, eat up before you head out" he said, handing you a plate. 

You smiled and nodded, setting it on the counter as you began eating quickly, you hadn't really eaten with... Everything. After a few bites a sparkling circle appeared in the living room, Fury emerged, shortly followed by a very handsome man with dark hair, steely eyes, in special robes and... A cape. 

What's with all the damn capes? 

You nudge your head in greeting, finishing your bite as Fury walked over "Agent (L/N), this is our Magic liaison Dr. Stephen Strange, he'll be assisting you on this assignment" Fury said, gesturing to Stephen. As Stephen rounded the corner you could see him eying you up and down momentarily, smiling at you, as Loki behind him glared holes into the back of his head. Being polite, you smiled and held out a hand "Pleasure to meet you, Dr. Strange, I'm Agent (Y/N) (L/N). Pleasure to be working with you." you said, genuinely interested in magic arts. 

Stephen took it with a smile and kissed your knuckles "The pleasure's all mine" he said, sending a shiver down your spine before you cleared your throat and took your hand away, not quickly but not slowly either. You chuckled a little "Well aren't you sweet" you said quietly. Everyone seemed to clear their throats and glance back at Loki "To avoid incurring my wrath, I think you should choose your words more carefully when conversing with my woman, Wizard." the illusion sneered. 

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