23. Changes

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You walked out to the common room with arms crossed to see everyone there, seemingly in a meeting "Thank you for joining us Agent (L/N), I was just about to call you in." Fury said. You sniffed and walked over "Sorry, I wasn't feeling hot" you said before walking over and plopping herself on the couch next to Bucky and Steve. As Fury pulled up a file you could feel eyes in the back of your head and you knew it was Loki boring his eyes into you, as though he could tell why you were late.

Fury cleared his throat "As we know, there is a new Avenger, but she still has a way to go before we can confidently send you out... We'll all be pitching in to help" he said then pulled up her schedule to show who'd be training her when and explained it to everyone

Mondays were for Wanda and (Y/N) to practice the mind moving.

Tuesdays were hand to hand with rotating Steven and Bucky.

Wednesdays were Rifle Training/ Power measuring (Tony and Bruce)

Thursdays were for power training with Thor and Loki rotating

Fridays were protocol training with Nat

Saturdays & Sundays- Off days; Missions, leave, etc

You bit your lip, the schedule was quite packed, you tried to figure out when you could study for Mani and Sol, but you had to work it into your schedule somehow. Bucky and Steven shook your shoulders excitedly, making you smile

You had to smile a little, it's nice to know some of them are at least happy to support and help. Fury turned "Any questions?" he asked "Want to like... Write this down?" he asked, making you blush and pull out your phone, taking notes on the schedule with a quickness. He cleared his throat "Next up, Have you uncovered anything concerning your side projects?" he asked, gesturing next to him. 

You blinked then stood and walked over, clearing your throat "So far, I've learned that Sol derives her healing power from the sun. I've discovered that most of my powers are actually weaker at night. I can teleport but my limit is lower so I need to watch it more, my uh... 'Force powers' require more concentration, the healing isn't as effective. The mind-reading is however just as intense no matter what time of day." you said then snapped your fingers "And I think I have one more heading my way, forgot what it was" you murmured. 

He nodded "Anything we should know?" he asked, she waited and shook her head "I'm good as far as I know," she said, smiling at everyone before going to sit on the couch when Fury held a hand out in front of you "Uh uh," he said. You arched a brow as he held up a large case "One more present" he said, patting at it before holding it out "Its a similar sniper rifle to what you used to use." he said as you took it with a big grin "Thank you Mr. Fury." you said, setting it down before he held out a hand "Welcome to the Avengers Training Initiative" he said, shaking your hand hard before saluting you, which you returned. Fury pocketed his hands as you set them down

Beep Beep--Beep Beep

You looked around then down, your watch was going off "Oh right, while everyone is in the room, who gave me this watch?" you asked, pointing at it. You turned your head seeing Pierre walk up with a blank expression and smiled "Aw, Pierre was this you? You didn't need to get me any-"


A blink, that's all it was, and your world was moving. Your ears rang out with that tinnitus roar as all you could see was the sky

'I'm outside?'

You heard the wind whooshing by your ears before you felt the glass in your back in front of a window you got pushed out of, the falling sensation gripping your body and nerves, freezing you up as you fell.

She Burns (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now