39. One-One

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You blinked "One one?" she nodded then gestured to her clothes which you just noticed looked like a prisoner uniform that had the number 11 on it. You glared and held her tighter "Thats a beautiful name." you said, anger filling your belly as your eyes glowed more, Sol and you both caught up on who could do this to a child. You stepped out of the elevator and teleported to the ship, you looked at Fury who was on the ship, who met your eyes "Agent (L/N) welcome..." he trailed then spotted the girl "Is that Project 11?" he asked. 

You nodded and looked down at her, letting go of Thor while you did. "She has a petrification power... Radio the compound and get Loki on a potion" you said, holding her head to you as you walked inside. He followed you "She needs to be talked to first-" "-Fury she is a small terrified child who just accidentally froze 50 people including a god, what she needs is a moment." you hissed back, walking down the hall. You entered the medic room and set her down before setting up some privacy curtains "Alright sweetheart, keep a hand on those shades I'm gonna get you some clothes and some ice okay?" you asked. 

She nodded, hugging her knees, not opening her eyes again as you perused around until you found what looked like a headset, but they were some special glasses for agents who suffered eye wounds in the line of duty. You smiled and walked back over to her "One-one, I'm gonna trade you glasses okay?" you asked before removing your glasses, putting them back on before you put hers on her. You inhaled and exhaled prepared to test this theory "Okay... Now one-one, you heard me talking to the man about a potion right?" you asked, resting your hands on her shoulders. 

One-one nodded, shifting her hands a little "Good... Now Loki is a-" "-Is he a witch? You said something about a potion." she asked, you snickered and pressed in your lips. You inhaled and smirked "Yes, he's an excellent witch and he's going to help those people okay?" you said. She smiled and nodded "Now since he's working on that I want to see something... I want you to meet my eyes with these glasses on." you said. She whimpered and shook her head "I-I don't want to freeze you too!" you hushed her, taking her hands in yours. "Sweetie, I want to see something... The glasses you're wearing are super thick, anyone looking at you can't see through them. I just want to see if you can meet my eyes." you said. 

She whimpered again as she reached out looking for you "Please One-One, I want to help you" you said comfortingly. She hesitated a moment then leaned her head up at you she sat for a moment before a smile started spreading "I'm looking at you!" she said excitedly, making you smile "You are? That's great that means the glasses work!" you said, excited as she clapped. 

You laughed a little then stood "Okay, that'll make this easier, lay down and I'll get you patched up okay?" you asked, beginning to heal what parts of her were injured. As you healed her she watched intently, asking you about your powers as you explained that you were friends with a god. 

Meanwhile, Sol was always present listening intently with heartbreak ladening her eyes.


You groaned in pain as you stepped off the helicarrier with One-One curled up on your hip "I hate how you guys won't just let me teleport home." you said as Steve and Sam push Thor's petrified body down the ramp. Steve shook his head, "You're guarding the target, we need to verify that you both arrive safely" he said, as you moved your hand like a mouth to mock him to one-one who giggled.

Steve frowned as you all moved through the compound "Loki's supposedly in the common area where he's been working on the potion." Nat explained then nudged you "And asking all sorts of questions about you by the way." she said. You blushed a little, you were definitely gone longer than you'd said, but One-one didn't like being near anyone else, so you were on guard duty, not that you mind. You adjusted her again "This place is big!" she exclaimed, looking around as you nodded "Yeah it's Uncle Tony's place, so it's nice and fancy." you said with a smile.

 She continued to look around as Nat beamed at you, making you shift your eyes "What?" you asked "Nothing... You just seem like a natural mom" she teased. You rolled your eyes before continuing "I thought the last thing you wanted was for Loki to be a Dad" you joked, shortly after your birthday celebration she'd been insistent about you getting birth control. She shrugged a little "I'm not saying Loki has to be the dad, you two aren't... Married, you're just... Baking together." she said, watching herself around One-one who listened intently. 

One-one looked up at you "You bake with the witch?" she asked, making the four of you laugh "Wait what?" Sam asked through laughter "Shhhh don't say anything, I've been working on this." you said then looked at her "Yes I do, the witch and I are very close." you said simply. The doors to the common room opened as you few walked through them, at the kitchen Loki seemed to have made a workstation trying to finish the soft potion. You two smiled as your eyes met, then he spotted the kid on your hip and blinked "Darling I didn't think you'd be gone that long." he joked, ducking when you threw your hat at him. 

You walked to the counter and sat her down as Sam and Steve moved Thor over near him, One-One just seemed to watch him somewhat shyly, still holding onto you. Loki noticed and smiled at her somewhat flatly, ah yes, he too was terrible with children, then went back to work "How was everything besides... What happened." he asked "It was good, really smooth... Are you?" you asked, concerning his heat period. He looked over with a smirk "If I wasn't you'd be the first to know" he said with a wink before he kept working on the potion. 

You smiled, it was good to see him back to his normal smooth self again. He met eyes with the child then pointed his spoon at her "I assume the famous One-One?" he asked, you nodded and brushed her hair back out of her face "Yeah, she's staying here for a couple of days until we can find her family" you said then after a moment got annoyed how unkempt her hair was and pulled a hair tye off your wrist, wrapping it around her hair. 

Loki smiled a little bit and stared before going back to what he was doing as Nat walked over "Any luck with the potion?" she asked. He huffed a little bit "Unfortunately, I am amazing, so I'm just about done." he said then walked around the counter to look at the statue "This is incredible" he said then flicked it and chortled like a goblin. You had to giggle a little bit, he was such a troll sometimes. 

You rolled your eyes and went over to the fridge "Hungry kid? I think Parker left a kid cuisine around here." you said, beginning to make one for her. Loki leaned over "Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?" he asked in a fake kind sounding whisper as you arched a brow "Uhhh did I do something?" you asked innocently, jumping as he stepped behind you and grabbed your arm "I'm serious... Its bad enough you left but you left without telling me and you were gone even longer than I thought... I wa-" he looked around him to make sure no one was looking at him "-I was worried out of my mind (Y/N)" he said. 

You bit your lip "I'm sorry I just thought you would hear my mental note" you said, he shook his head "Darling that was when we were mentally yelling at each other... You lost your powers to read minds AND project thoughts and images when it went away." he explained. You groaned in realization and covered your face, no duh that went away! You turned to him, also checking for people for a moment "Loki I'm so sorry, I genuinely forgot! I guess I just need to get used to not having that...'' you trailed, fidgeting with your fingers.

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