47. Recording

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After you entered the compound Thor and Nora split to the common area for movies as you and Loki went to bed "Can we go to your room? You have the silk sheets." you said. Loki nodded "Of course." he said, still carrying you down the hall "Loki I can walk-" "Did I ask what you could do?" he hissed back, making you bite your lip a little. He chuckled "No more of that, when we get in there you'll have plenty of moaning to do," he said as he approached his door quickly, opening it and using his foot to kick it open. 

You blushed and buried your face in his shoulder for a bit before he approached the bed, tossing you on there not so generously. You yelped as you made contact with the soft sheets then buried onto your knees to look at Loki as he smirked at you. He removed his jacket "You were so good in the car... Right up until you weren't." he said, tossing it onto the ground before removing his glasses. You pressed your lips together remembering the small whimper you let out at the end "They didn't even hear me-" he grabbed your jaw, pulling him to you "What was that?" he asked loudly as you whimpered. 

You bit your lip "They didn't hear me." you said again, he pulled your face so it met his, still in his Tom form so your eyes met blue ones instead of his emerald green ones. He smirked a little "So you think you can get away with disobeying me?" he asked, making you whimper before shaking your head "Good, I should hate to deny you the edge you're sitting on." he said then released your jaw. He walked over to a chair as you admired him, still wearing a button-down shirt that he started rolling the sleeves up so they met his elbows, then placed his phone on the nightstand, slightly propped up against the lamp. 

The clothes he wore were well-tailored and seemed to hug every minuscule curve of his body from his strong shoulders to his perfect rear that your eyes lingered on. He sighed as he grabbed the chair "You know" he started, picking up the chair and moving it closer to the bed "I haven't decided whether or not to punish you for flirting with that waitress." he said. You blinked a little and arched a brow before you removed her number from your bra "This one?" you asked then crumbled the number and tossed it in the trash like you were planning on doing. 

He nodded, leaning on the back of the chair "Right in front of me and everything too, I couldn't believe the sheer disobedience." he said, clicking his tongue as you smirked a little "Sorry, I just thought you'd like the idea of seeing me with a woman" you teased, leaning forward on the bed. He pressed his lips together as he was silent for a moment, eyes darkening as you watched him, your smirk increasing as you realized he was picturing it then shook his head. 

You adjusted again, scooting so you were kneeling on the edge of the bed "Nevertheless... We never did discuss other parties... Involvement." he said, clearly still thinking about it. You nodded a little "I'm sorry my King." you said, looking down with a pout as he sighed and walked around the chair "Yes I know you are pet" he said as he sat down, legs spread, then beckoned you with his finger. You nodded and placed one foot on the ground "Ah ah ah" he said then pointed to the ground "Crawl to me. Beg for your release." he said, sending shivers down your spine. 

You nodded and leaned down to the floor, crawling over to him slowly and sensually, never breaking eye contact with him as you did. He smirked and rested his arms on the arms of the chair watching you crawl up between his legs and placed your hands on his thighs. You knelt before him and whimpered "My King, please, I want to cum" you said, meeting his eyes, he reached forward and grabbed your chin "How bad my pet?" he asked. You bit your lip and glanced down at his crotch, seeing his bulge through his pants then back up as you moved your hands to his belt beginning to undo it. 

Before you could do the zipper, he softly but firmly grabbed your ponytail and pulled your head back "Before you do anything pet... Take a look at the table stand." he said, turning your head where he was pointing. You looked to see his phone propped up on the nightstand against the lamp as it was but noticed now that it was recording... Specifically the two of you. Your face turned beat red as you turned to him "Dude!" you exclaimed, making him grin at how bashful you were "What? Am I a fool for wanting to immortalize you?" he asked. 

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