14. The Benefits

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It wasn't even a competition. He had you pinned seconds after that, and the last round he had you down before you even realized what was happening. You stood to the side of the tub, adding more bubbles and a bath bomb Wanda got you that smells like vanilla sugar, your face beat red, You were fine with the idea on the mat! 

Warning: Smut; Fingering, cunnilingus


it sounds great, right? 

But as you thought more and more about it, you were actually a nervous wreck! You groaned, throwing your hair back in the shower 'Haven't been intimate with anyone in five years... God, I don't even know if I can!' you thought.

You groaned as he'd pinned you for the third and final time, earning a chuckle from him as he stood to let you up. You rolled over, resting your arms on your knees "Good fights..." you trailed off while looking up at him "You too darling, perhaps next time." he said, holding out his hand which you looked at then back up "Tell me-" you grabbed his arm and hauled yourself up "-At what point did you decide you weren't going to let me win anymore?" you asked, his smile faltered for a minute before chuckling "The second you agreed to my prize" he said with a wink.

'AHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE HIM!!!' you screamed mentally before turning the cold shower off and wiping your face, deciding to take a bath instead. You switched the water to warm and slid down, wanting the warm water to wash away the pain from your muscles, letting out a small groan as the water began to build. You closed your eyes and projected to Loki

'Are you as sore as I am right now?'

'I won't be as soon as I get some damn warm water'

'Oh... Sorry, yeah I'm in the bath.'

'Seriously? This is a military base'

'I take what I can get with a high tech base built specifically to protect people like us'

'Well now you're taking all the hot water'

'Aw, poor widdle princey wincey godda wait fow da warm watew' you thought in a baby voice with a big grin.

'Well my cheeky little star map, there's always...'

You blushed harder (somehow) and sank down to cover a bigger smile 'Is that about my freckles?... Wait, Loki, no!' you thought, trying to cover yourself in bubbles before Loki teleported into the tub grinning at you and from what you could feel from your feet, completely naked. You pulled your knees to your chest with a yelp "Loki!" you yelled as some of the water seemed to flow out with his arrival. 

He chuckled and leaned back against the nozzle with a groan "Wonderful" he said as he scanned you up and down. You sighed "You're lucky I'm too sore to move now make room," you said, leaning your head back and letting your legs stretch out with another satisfied groan "Ah, I didn't realize I'd made you so sore... Please allow me to help," he said before you felt him picking up your leg.

You flinched, going to pull yourself out, and looked down "Wait, Loki I'm not ready-!!" you stopped seeing him just holding your ankle to rub it. You blinked and sank out of embarrassment "O-Oh... Thank you." you said, leaning back, he continued to rub but looked at you worriedly "I suppose that's an answer to my next question; Did you actually want me to take you up on my prize?" he asked before turning off the water. 

You sighed then stared at him for a good couple of minutes, him rubbing your ankle comfortingly the other time "Yes and no... Look, you're a mind reader and a God that's gotten plenty of... Women?" you asked. He shifted his head side to side "People." You blinked and smiled "Got plenty of people, have you ever heard them talk about you?" you asked, crossing your arms, genuinely curious about his experiences before you talk. 

She Burns (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now