7. The Mountains

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Over the next three weeks, you were in and out of the lab with Tony, hanging out with people and training with Loki. Since you'd gotten there everyone had been so nice, you felt right at home! The tests were a lot and so was Loki, but you felt at home, and you even started sparring, mostly with Nat as you were comfortable. Loki had even gotten his nonarmed escort, he'd requested you but Fury wasn't about to let that be you. Your powers were even starting to get better! Except for teleportation, you couldn't use that so much around here anyway, except to occasionally teleport back home. Days like these though... Sucked.

You groaned, walking around a very empty common area, everyone had left this morning for a mission, as far as you knew it was everyone. You sighed looking out the window at the night sky then you smirked, remembering there was a pool on the roof and decided to treat yourself to a nice midnight dip. You stretched your neck out and walked back to your room, you'd had the layout down to a science by now, no more embarrassing stuff. 

You changed into a black bikini, grabbed a towel, your phone, and a speaker, slipped on some cute black threaded slippers, and teleported up to the roof. You smiled and set everything down, testing the water quickly "Perfect" you said then stood and looked around, the base was so dark and empty, everyone was asleep or on the mission. You turned on a playlist, playing music through your speaker

 'What you know about rolling down in the deep when...

The music began playing as you bobbed your head to the beat, ah music, the other love of your life. You bit your lip a little and slipped off your shoes before hopping into the pool, getting over the initial shock of the cold then surfaced with a huff, very happy that Stark had made your waterproof earbuds so you could enjoy many swims. You glanced around then removed your bikini top and bottoms, chucking them by your things. 

You sighed and let yourself float to the top of the water, looking up at the stars, with the compound lights off they were glowing in the sky, it was lovely. You smiled enjoying blissful joyful silence, the bit that you could get here, you missed the team but sometimes you need a break from having more than 8 roommates at a time. You sighed a little, closing your eyes just enjoying floating in the water, your rosy peaks just above the water moving with your soft sleep like breathing. 

After a moment you opened your eyes and stood in the shallow end stretching slightly before turning around to begin swimming back and forth, but you could only yelp at who was standing in the doorway "Loki!" you yelped, covering yourself and dipping back down. He smirked a little "Eheh, enjoying a nice swim?" he asked, making you blush and swim to the wall where you'd be covered "I thought you left with the others!" you exclaimed, clutching the wall as he shut the door behind him "I did, I teleported back to grab you, they need a hand reading an area." he stated simply, stepping forward a moment before he'd stepped on something and looked down.

 You flushed seeing what was under his boot... Your bikini top. He looked up with a devilish smirk looking at you and followed your neck down as far as the edge of the pool you were clinging to would allow. You frowned "Hey! You said the group needed me and admittedly I'm not dressed. Can you hand me something to put on?" you asked, holding out your hand for the bikini he was stepping on. He looked down then knelt, grabbing your slippers, handing them over to your outstretched hand then stood there as you blinked, he only smirked at you, waiting for you to get out.

You pouted a little "Nice try, James Bond." you said before teleporting off to your bathroom, grabbing a towel quickly and wrapping it around yourself before walking to your dresser, still flushed from Loki nearly seeing you naked. The flirting had only increased since you'd gotten there, but only because you'd gotten closer and you know it was just teasing, you suspected he had been stuck for a year, unable to find a girl. Plus he had this weird infatuation with your skin "Big deal, freckles are worldwide." you murmured, squeezing into some shorts and a T-shirt, planning on coming back to finish your swim. 

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