Author's Note: Important, please read.

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Hi everyone!

I can't thank you all enough for reading and enjoying what I've written. She Burns started out as a project that I threw myself into during a bad depression, I randomly was like 'I haven't written in years, I kinda miss writing fan fic and I just remembered: Loki's really hot. Lets fuck around.'

Then 200 pages of writing later and I had this fic with a story, a strong character I was really proud of and I felt like I really just wrote what I wanted to write. It was a major form of comfort for me, genuinely I just smoked and wrote for two months and I was genuinely happy with what I did. Thats all I wanted, really.

Then I found Wattpad, and I found a whole community (I used to have a community but the website shut down and I haven't had one since. (R.I.P. Quizilla)) that appreciated my writing, my story and my work. I'm happy you guys have gotten into this story, which makes these next few chapters somewhat hard, I know it seems like it goes forever, but it does have an end. Or at least it will, once I stop procrastinating and actually finish writing it. 

(Like writing random Author's Notes talking about feelings and junk.)

We are in fact in the endgame now.

I just wanted to say a quick thank you for lovin' me, thank you for bein' there, and let you know that once She Burns is over, I will be editing it which includes some steps.

-Redoing the poster

-Congealing the chapters into Longer pieces so there aren't so many (So once it's done it will have less, yet longer chapters.)

-Editing (Real proper editing for clearer concise parts)

-Removing the Author's Notes

-Editing the Description

I'm letting you know so it doesn't surprise you when it looks different. Thanks again so much for sticking with me and I look forward to reaching the end with you guys!

She Burns (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now