19. Bedtime

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Warning: Smut-ish? Make out, ordering

After a bit the soft ding of the elevator made me open my eyes, but (Y/N) did not stop. I smiled and pulled her away, kissing her mouth hard as I pinned her against the elevator wall, earning an uncensored moan from her. I reached down her body with my hands before grasping her plump rounded ass in both hands hard, she gasped into my ear, making me shiver and grin. 

I knew what I said earlier about her treat but I decided there was nothing wrong with making sure the birthday girl at least went to bed with no stress. I kissed down her neck, removing her cardigan as I let it fall onto the elevator floor. 

She reached over to the buttons on the wall and pressed the one that said 'Door close' before digging her fingers into my hair. I growled a little before pinning her arms up and leaning into her ear "These hands stay here." I demanded, pinning her arms somewhere on the wall. She only seemed to gasp in ecstasy as I held her arms, I had to smile, this kink of hers made me the ideal lover to her. 

Despite not being able to take her fully as my own, I was still willing to treat her to the passion of life, of laying with a god, an exquisite creature as (Y/N) deserved to be worshipped with body and soul. Her every desire should be at my charge, and no one else's. I grabbed her jaw, making her look at me "Do you understand girl?" I demanded, earning a breathy moan and an all too eager nod. 

I grinned and bent down as I started hiking up her skirt. She seemed to whimper a little "Loki wait-" "I have waited all night dear, and I will not be tortured into waiting another moment." I said, deepening my voice at her. A moment later I could see the reason she wanted me to wait, tucked into her underwear was a golden foiled square with a circle in the middle. 

She stared at me, biting her lips in as I met her eyes and stood, pulling out the item she had hidden especially for me. She whimpered as I leaned on the wall "What's this pet?" I asked, holding it in front of her face as she flushed and looked to the side "It's one of those methods we talked about to avoid getting pregnant... I-Its the one you can w-wear" She said shyly as her head seemed to bob in her drunken pleasure. 

I smirked a little "Such an ambitious little pet..."I trailed, pulling my hand from her face for a moment. She licked my fingers as they passed but she missed them slightly. I tilted my head until I saw into her eyes, they were heavily dilated from pleasure, but she sweated a bit. I groaned a bit and leaned my head down, getting dizzy myself, then stood "As much as I love the idea of fucking you where anyone could see us at any time... I should get you to bed, we're both far too drunk." I murmured. 

That was the second time I used that excuse... It hadn't ever deterred me from getting mine before with past lovers, why was this any different? She whimpered a little and pouted a groin aching pout before I sighed "Darling, don't worry" I said, pulling her arms down before picking her up once again and heading to the nearest unoccupied room. 

I managed to find one with one big bed and walked us over to it, laying her down on the bed. I didn't get as much fuss as last time, as though she knew that she was very far gone. I knelt down beside her and began removing her clothes, knowing she preferred to sleep naked, and I preferred when she slept naked too, for no real reason.

I undid her dress, with her attempt at help, and managed to slide it off of her "Darling you teleported earlier, how are you not sick?" I asked, she shrugged "I don't know, I also pushed myself teleporting earlier." she murmured barely. I slumped a little, frowning at her "You need to stop pushing the teleportation, if you lose focus you could end up somewhere else than you mean" I scolded, making her sit up and mock me sarcastically. I narrowed my eyes as she giggled, seemingly pleased at her own jokes 

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