27. Fixing and Flying

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"Why did you choke me?"

"What you said was upsetting to me"


"... And sometimes I forget that I get carried away when I'm angry" he walked over with the cup as you poured the instant mix into the bowl.

You nodded, happy that he at least admitted he got carried away as he leaned over you to pour the cup he turned to your ear "I never truly meant to hurt you I swear... " you nodded again "I know... but you need to keep that under control... I'm only going to defend so much of that because I'm worth more as a person" you put in a whisk and handed it to him while you began working on the bacon. He nodded and began stirring. Leaning his back against the counter he sighed "I understand... and I'm sorry." he said.

"But I still think the idea is asinine-"

You sighed, leaning your head back in annoyance "Loki-"

"-Just wait a moment," he said, stopping mixing until you looked at him

"The idea is asinine... And stupid, and dangerous-" you shook your head and continued cooking when he reached a hand out to your chin, forcing you to look at him "-and I will be there if something goes wrong." he demanded more than stated. You blinked at him "Wait... You want to help?" you asked as he let you go and continued stirring "No, but I'll never forgive myself if I wasn't the one you went to for this... Despite what happened last night I do care about you. I know this has tortured you for years and I'm willing to help, but I insist we wait until the last day." he said. You nodded then looked at the food you cooked "I can work with that... Thank you." you said, as he shook his head "Do not thank me for this." he said, still annoyed and stirring.

You reached out and touched his hand "That's done, can you get eggs?" you asked, taking the bowl and pouring it over some bacon strips. He grabbed the eggs and traded you for the spatula as Wanda and Thor finally wandered in "Yes! Bacon pancakes~" Wanda said excitedly. You laughed as you started the eggs "Loki see how the bottoms puffing up? Flip them." you said, motioning the spatula in his hands. You turned "Alright, training, how we doing this?" you asked, Thor shrugged "I don't even know where to start...-" "-Her and I normally spar after breakfast, afterwards she can take a break then move onto psychokinesis then flying." Loki said without turning. You looked at him arching a brow "You plan my meals too?" you asked jokingly, he only smirked.

'Keep that up and I'll plan a lot more when we're being intimate again'

You shivered and turned, hiding your blush from the others and going back to breakfast, after a bit you were done and served everyone. Shortly after, as Loki said, you and he sparred outside, you ended up getting a couple of pins in and some fun positions for another time. Then, you trained with Wanda moving items that she threw which got you to hit a LOT, and she gave a general summary of flying and what it feels like for her. Near the end of the day you walked back out with Wanda and Loki to where Thor stood by the fire, holding his ax and wearing his gear "Lady (Y/N) are you ready?" he asked.

You nodded with a big smile, finally a power you were actually excited for-Flying! You cleared your throat "Okay, how do, big red?" you asked as you walked up, he held out his hand as you approached "I shall teach you to fly the same way Asgardians teach their young to swim" he said. You took his hand and tilted your head as you heard Loki behind you "Wait Thor-!" "-How's that?" you asked. Thor yanked you to him and grip you by your waist "We throw them into the water!" he yelled before taking off upward.

You screamed, not expecting to just suddenly be yanked in the air at whatever ridiculous speed he clocked in at. You didn't even have time to process what he was saying before he said "Alright now (Y/N) I've seen people splatter themselves on the sidewalk from a lesser height, so you may want to start flying. But if not we can test Director Fury's theory! It is a win-win, my friend!" He said excitedly as you screamed before dropping you down. You screamed as your body twisted through the air for a moment before you were able to fall flat, the wind stinging your face a lot.

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