22. The Feelings Talk

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Once you got home you immediately went to your room "Ugh I need out of these clooooooothes~" you cooed then opened your door, sighing at the site of your bed covered in presents. You walked over, staring at the blanket underneath everything, and pouted then smirked and changed into some baggy pants and a t-shirt. You froze for a minute before snapping your fingers "Right the ring!" you exclaimed before digging around the bags looking for your present for Loki. 

You smiled and grabbed the little string draw bag "Got it!" you said and teleported to Loki's room falling onto his silk sheets. Loki turned and chuckled seeing you "They put everything on your bed I assume?" he asked as he was getting changed himself, no longer wearing the shock wristlets. 

You let out a simple 'Mm-hmm' against the sheets, curling up a little "Give me a moment pet and I'll help you unpack it all" he said, you groaned again "Can't we just curl up and worry later? I'm still hungover." you murmured, closing your eyes a little. He chuckled a bit "Can't put off everything like that... Besides I'm sure you're excited about our spar date." he said as you turned your head so you were face down in the sheets, groaning as he finished talking. He chuckled a little "I suppose I can't blame you, darling..." he trailed, the sound of shifting clothes shortly afterward. 

After a moment of silence you felt yourself get flipped over onto your back, coming face to face with Loki "Besides... I believe we need to have a chat." he said before resting his hands beside your head. You stared at him and shrugged "Okay... What about?" you asked, he looked to the side then rolled over so he was on his back "(Y/N)... For a very long... Long time. I was a terrible person, you know this, you've seen my mind." he explained. 

You sighed and looked up at the ceiling "Well some of it I've seen, some of it you've put up these walls that don't ever seem to come down." you confessed, making him sigh "I know, and I'm trying to put them down, but I want to start giving a serious try." he said. You looked over at him, examining his scared-looking face before resting your arms at your side "I'm glad to hear that Loki" you said, smiling at him kindly. Loki looked down at the space in between you two and gingerly leaned his hand over, taking yours into his own with a gentle squeeze. 

He inhaled deeply and exhaled a moment later "I... I need you, to be honest with me, I admire you greatly as a woman and I just... I need to know how you feel about me." he said simply, looking back up at the ceiling to try to avoid your reaction. You sat up on your elbows, staring down at him as your thoughts scrambled "Like as someone to look up to? I am technically a superhero so I'm honored-" Loki laughed, holding his stomach "Please don't fuck with me right now." he insisted, making you smile. You traced his hair a little then smiled and leaned forward, thinking a bit "I like you too... I think you already knew that" you said, making Loki shoot up in surprise. 

You held up your hand "Please, just... Please" you said, grabbing his hand "I... I started indulging in what we do because I just wanted some form of stress relief... You were hot, you could read my mind, you were sweet, funny..." You trailed then sniffled a little " and we were close before, obviously, but when we started messing around I began to see you as more. You showed yourself to me as this caring, kind, warm person despite what you let others think. You were the first person in years that made me unequivocally feel good about who I am." You said, tracing his hand as he seemed confused. 

"Did you not feel good before?" he asked, tracing yours back. You shook your head "No... Ever since I developed the powers people couldn't hide their true intentions... Granted, while your memories were behind walls I do feel like your feelings are genuine for me." you explained. He smiled at you, giving your hand a squeeze but he continued to let you speak "But I think we should... Take a break from sleeping together if anything to focus on each other" you said. 

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