10. To Just Breathe

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After a few minutes Sam passed you a delicious looking sandwich, making you smile and pick it up almost immediately "Woah, careful, its hot" he warned, which went unheeded. You were severely hungry, not dehydrated though, Bruce gave you something to help with that in the lab thankfully. 

You smiled and nodded at Sam with a thumbs up "Good? Good." he said then began to work on dishes as Thor came running in "I have it right here, Sir Steven and Bucky had the same difficulty, I'd be delighted to share this with you" he said, grabbing a shot glass and filling it. You stared at it for a minute after chewing your food "Let me get some food in my stomach and then I will happily take as many of those as I can physically handle" you joked, continuing to eat. Loki huffed 

"I don't think that's the wisest idea right now (Y/N)." he whispered, reaching to touch you but stopped, making you look over 

"Well, I do, and Thor does, so sorry babe, you're outweighed by two gods" you said sarcastically as you continued eating. 

Thor clicked his fingers "Ah, that reminds me (Y/N) I got a picture of what you looked like if you're curious" he said, which made you sit up "Really?" you asked. He nodded and tapped a few things on his screen then cleared his throat, annoyed as Loki leaned forward "Thor, its Photos, the one that says it-" "-I'm aware, I was just... looking." he said before handing it to you. 

You held the phone and blinked, staring at the picture "Thor... That's just me naked" you said and in truth, you were standing there naked in front of a small mound of dead bodies. You frowned and set down the phone 

"Oh god, I did all that?" you thought, eyes trembling before the picture of dead bodies. 

Loki leaned over your shoulder "No, here's the solar flares around your body and the burning footsteps" he said, pointing at things that just aren't there "Loki I'm telling you I'm looking at a picture of me naked in front of a bunch of dead bodies'' you said. You handed Thor back the phone as he, Sam, and Steve both looked "And I don't know if I like how you swarmed him to look '' you said, shifting in your seat. Wanda turned to you "Seriously (Y/N), everything Loki just described you don't see?" she asked as Thor handed her the phone. 

You shook your head, getting frustrated now "No! I see myself naked, a bunch of freckles, some stretch marks and the tattoo on myyyy... Hip." you said, before spilling something personal since they obviously couldn't see it. Thor arched a brow taking it back "What in Odin's name..." he trailed, making you look around 'I feel like I'm going crazy...' you trailed in thought then reached over and took the shot of Asgardian Mead, going to throw it back when Loki covered the top.

 "Tut tut, one moment" he said, waving his hand over it caught you off guard so you shook your head "Loki I'll bite your hand" you threatened "Promises'' he said, waving his hand over the shot "Just enhancing the experience dear" he said simply. You shook your head, picking it back up, giving Wanda a 'Remember he did that' look before shooting it down, Steve held out a hand"Fair warning, the taste is kinda-" "Watermelon-y." you said, looking at the shot glass "It was sweet and subtle like watermelon" you set it down. 

Steve looked over at Loki annoyed "You could have masked the taste the whole time?" he asked as Loki poured himself one. "Of course, I do it all the time" he said, waving his hand over the one he'd poured then looked up and took his shot "Why, what's the problem" Loki asked, hiding a smirk behind his cup. You smiled as Steve fumed about nearly throwing up at the taste and giggled "Y'all are silly" you said with a shake of your head then finished your sandwich already feeling the mead, but it was a light buzz. As everyone talked you leaned on the counter and looked at Loki 

''Listen I'm... Sorry about earlier, I just..." you trailed, making him wave his hand "Don't fret over that darling. I know I'm not the... easiest person to get along with" he said. 

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