43. 72 Hours

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He laughed and backed up. "Of course, you'll need plenty of sustenance for the hours to come '' he said, gripping your hips "Hours? Loki we have three days here, today, tomorrow and the day after we go home." you explained. He shifted his eyes and nodded "Yes, thats 72 hours of lovemaking... 71 if I need a break." he said, you nodded and walked away "Oh yeah if YOU need a break" you said, going to the fridge and rooting around for what you had "Ah ah" Loki said, pulling you back into him by your hips. He was leaning against the table, holding you on top of his hips, one palm on top of your thigh as the other was on your hip "I will say I have been reading up on this... Kink of yours." he said. 

You stopped a little before he pulled your back flush to him with the hand that was on your hip while the other began sliding over your covered inner thigh, making you shiver a bit. "We have our safe word so that's good, but I hear there's a slight binding element to it?" he asked then grabbed your thigh tightly, earning a gasp from your throat as you panted out "N-Normally yes... But I don't have anything," you admitted sadly. He chuckled and reached his hand up, grabbing your jaw in his tight grasp "Worry not dear, I've taken the liberty to conjure a few things." he said, making sure to speak into your ear. 

You leaned back with a moan "You did?" you asked as the hand that was on your thigh traced up and just dipped below your pants as he cooed 'Yesss' against your ear. You panted and arched against him as his hands began to rub where your underwear was, his coldness just slightly poking through. Your hands didn't know what to do with yourself, you wanted to touch and feel and caress but you couldn't reach much, both arms were slightly pinned, so you settled for arching your behind against his groin. 

He let out a deep surprised groan, so you did it once more before he pulled his hand out and turned you, slamming you against the fridge. You gasped a little and met his eyes, he grinned "Can't get too grabby pet, there's a lot of time on our hands." he said with a chuckle as you pouted "What first Master?" you asked, biting your lip for him. He smirked a little bit "Actually pet, I'll be your King for this weekend" he corrected, sliding his hand down to your throat "You are to go upstairs, wash up and wear something that shows off your perfect rear" he said. 

He waited a moment for you to nod in agreement then pulled away "I'll work on breakfast" he said, lightly pushing you towards the stairs, making you snicker a little "You're cooking?" you asked. He looked at you with furrowed brows "Yes and I'll have none of that attitude, pet. Go." he teased, making you smirk before running up the stairs with a huge grin on your face. You went to the top floor, quickly bathing up, and went through your bag until you pulled out some Yoga pants and a thin green sweater, deciding to toss off your bra. 

You came back downstairs again and inhaled the smell "It smells amazing~" you said, hugging him from behind as he chuckled. You pulled away after a moment, "One sec" you said then went over to a hot tub you kept in the back and turned it on, waiting for it to heat up and turn on. You came back after a moment earning a suspicious glance from Loki "Where did you scamper off to?" he asked, making you shrug "Just getting something fun ready for later." you teased, beginning to set up the food he had. 

You set the table as he finished and turned, finally getting a proper look at your outfit of choice, and smirked a little, grabbing your hips as you bent over "Very nice workout attire, nice thin shirt... It's all so tempting." he said, rubbing his bulge against you slightly, earning a small gasp. He chuckled a little then gave a swift sharp smack to your backside before sitting down "Eat up darling I slaved all of thirty minutes." he joked as you rolled your eyes and sat down. You began eating the food, and it wasn't half bad, just a simple breakfast of eggs and toast but he's perfected it. 

You finished up your meal and looked up at Loki as he continued to eat and read his book. He looked somewhat at peace with the environment around him like he belonged here. After a moment he looked up and smiled "I belong with you darling, nothing more." he said with a coy wink making you blush "I keep forgetting you can read my thoughts." you said, brushing some hair back. Your phone went off with a picture from Wanda of a huge box 'Hey it's here I left it in your room' you smiled "My King may I be excused? I have something to show you." you asked.

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