54. Care

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You smiled a little at the feeling of warm water surrounding you before your eyes slowly opened, you were in a bathtub. You groaned and sat up a little "Darling, not too fast, my magic does not heal the pain, only the wound." you turned your head to see Loki just to the side of the bathtub, looking down at you gently. He wore a long-sleeved black sweater that had the arms rolled up to the elbow, and they seemed already wet like he'd put you in there. 

You blinked a little then groaned, leaning your neck against the cool tub "What happened? I remember being on the mountain... I brought Strange back..." you gasped and sat up quickly "The beast! Where is it? Did I?-AH!" you groaned, holding your stomach. Loki grabbed your shoulders and laid you down "The beast is secure, you're safe, and so is Strange" he said then grabbed a sponge "May I?" he asked, holding it up. You looked down to see you were covered in blood around your stomach, though there was no wound, you were in too much pain, so you nodded and leaned your head back. 

Loki nodded and began washing you as you laid in bed "What happened?" you asked, calmer "Well, you got the beast here, the beast got you, then I got you from him." he explained as he ran the sponge across your belly, scrubbing the dried blood off your belly, it hurt but it was also so soothing it was hard to pass up. You chuckled a little "Eloquent as ever" you said, he smiled a bit, not stopping "Seriously... The second it got me I couldn't do anything, what happened..." I trailed. 

He shook his head "I have no idea... I got there just in time, I was able to pry you out of the jaws but even after that and I'd healed you... You weren't..." he trailed off, stopping as he stared into the water. You looked up seeing his eyes begin to water as he pressed his lips together, you blinked seeing that he was shaking, he'd never seemed so afraid. You held his face in your hands, making him face you "Breathe" you said, making him nod and exhale "Now... What happened?" you asked, brushing a loose hair out of his face. 

He sighed a little, looking off to the side before meeting your eyes and pulling his arms out of the water, resting them on the edge of the tub as he knelt "You died for a few seconds... Sol didn't come out" he said. You blinked a little "My magic wasn't working... I couldn't teleport out" you said then looked at a water bottle and held out your hands trying desperately to use your powers to bring it over to you. 

It was difficult but eventually, it slowly floated over to you, but that took a lot out of you, eventually, Loki leaned over and grabbed it before it reached you. You panted a little and leaned back, holding your stomach as a numbness somewhat radiated from your side as you used your powers. Loki sighed a little "(Y/N) please... You're very weak, just rest... Do you wish for me to leave?" he asked, to which you shook your head "No way... I get rid of you for one lousy night and I get mauled by a robot wolf." you said, making him laugh a bit as he continued to help. 

You smiled and looked at Loki's hand as he cleaned you "Oh, by the way, werewolves are real. I met one there-" you gasped and looked at Loki "But... If you could do me a favor and please go to the lab and see if Strange is okay?" you asked. Loki sighed and made you sit down with slightly more force than last time "I won't tell you again, please rest." he said, raising his voice a little "I ran into... The doctor on my way here, he wanted to make sure you were okay... You whispered the words Nightwolf hurt, so I'd told him that and he left right away." he said. 

You nodded, leaning your head back "Thank you" you whispered out, feeling a huge weight off your shoulders, you doubt you could teleport to the next room much less Columbia. You closed your eyes as Loki respectfully worked on your body "... Werewolves though?" "Right?! It's so cool!" you exclaimed, earning a deep chuckle. After he'd finished you waited a moment before opening your eyes, just catching him stepping out of your bathroom "What do you want to wear?" "Baggy sweater, pajama pants, underwear, no bra," you said without missing a beat. 

She Burns (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now