6. Comfort and Fruit

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After a few hours had passed they were all done with the tests and excused you two from the lab. You walked alongside Loki down the hall "Shall we race back?" he asked, making you giggle "As fun as that would be you definitely had the advantage over me, I'm a little dizzy, I think I'm going to curl up with some music and relax." you said, sipping the orange juice Tony gave you, since you had more nosebleeds. 

Loki shrugged "If you're so dizzy why don't you just teleport yourself to your room" he said casually in your head, you sipped your drink as you responded 'Don't want SHIELD to know I can teleport, its an escape route' you thought then froze. You blinked up at Loki who only smirked at you "How did?" you asked, knowing you never told him "Might want to build more than one wall in the future.. Say... Is that offer for me to 'Boss you around' still on the table? I have some ideas." he teased as you flushed and gasped as you remembered what you said to Fury" You used the experiments to peep!" you said, pointing at him. 

He shrugged "I had to make sure you were alright, my dove." he said, starting to jog as you started chasing him "Loki! Loki, whatever else you saw you take to your grave! LOKI!" you yelled while running after him, he looked back at you laughing "I'd rather take this to your bedroom" he called back before disappearing, making you grind to a halt and look around a moment before you felt arms wrap around you and yank you backwards "Ah!" you yelped, groaning after feeling like you fell on someone. When you opened your eyes and looked around "My room?" you asked then looked at who you landed on, and whose lap you were currently sitting in, Loki's. 

You stood up with a yelp "Yes, theres no cameras in here... I hope, so we can talk about our deal properly." he said. You bit her lip "Yeah, we should probably talk." you said, putting the bottle of orange juice on her nightstand as Loki adjusted himself to be sitting criss cross then patted the bed. You crossed your arms "Seriously I'm dizzy and tired, so no creeping" you warned, pointing at him "Eheh, no, I will be the perfect gentleman." he said. 

You stared him down before sitting on the bed across from him "I think it'd be best if you explain what happened... I'd heard you'd gained your powers through some kind of accident?" he asked, lacing his fingers in his lap. You huffed and looked down at your hands, twiddling your thumbs "Well... I was in my kitchen making tea, enjoying my leave... Then I felt hot... Really hot... I fainted, and when I woke up the whole damn Sheriff's office was in my living room, asking me questions and talking to me but I... I just couldn't hear them over their thoughts. It overwhelmed me so much I couldn't sit still..." You trailed, still messing with your fingers nervously 

"I mean, imagine your boyfriend, the sheriff, in front of you saying that you were on your knees emitting a blinding light and yelling about a prophecy and in the meantime, you're in his head and you hear all about his Wife and kids two cities over?" you asked, still looking down at your hands, fighting back tears. 

Loki's hand reached out to yours and squeezed it, his hands were nimble but soft and gentle with a slight cold touch. You smiled and looked up "Thanks" you mouthed, sniffling a bit, he nodded and tilted his head "Then what happened?" he asked, as you recollected yourself "Well... I couldn't be anywhere with people because it was so overwhelming... I was discharged from the Marines, my family thought I was crazy so they shut me out and I had to become a hermit essentially. I got to keep my home in the mountains though, and that's what's been keeping me sane... Well, that and weed." you confessed. 

Loki tilted his head "You garden?" he asked, you laughed and shook your head at his innocence "Your world is middle aged-ish... Did you have any herbs that you'd smoke in a pipe?" you asked, to which he nodded "Yes, Thor used to smoke when he was younger but I never did. Is that what it is?" he asked. You shrugged "Probably? I don't know... Though I'm curious to know how strong Asgardian weed is." you said with a chuckle. 

You shook your head "Anyway, I tried enlisting in SHIELD to get my abilities sorted but because I can't properly demonstrate my skills, they ended up not believing me. I was up there for five years, minimal human contact... Out of nowhere, SHIELD contacted me endlessly about offers and the Avengers, but I was still sore about how they treated me. They didn't believe me all those years ago. Well, then I started moving stuff around with my mind, I called Tony the next day... They came, made their offer and right after they left I teleported for the first time... I just don't understand why all of the sudden I have all these powers." You said, shaking your head.

 Loki looked curious. "You mentioned something about a prophecy. What was it?" he asked, you cleared your throat and crossed your arms "When the day is a bright, and the solstice is nigh, arrives the beast with just one eye." you said "I didn't stop saying it until someone touched me." you explained then looked at him "Any of that in your crazy mythos?" you asked Joking but Loki seemed to be in serious thought "Well-" a deep growling noise cut him off, causing the both of you to look down at your stomach. You looked off to the side 'Wait, I'm hungry but I ate breakfast...' you thought then glanced at the clock. 

You ate at about 8:30 in the morning, it was now 5 in the afternoon "Oh, I skipped a meal." you said with a shrug and looked back at Loki "Don't you humans need three meals a day?" he asked. You shrugged "It's almost dinner time, Tony said something about pizza for dinner, I'm gonna wait." you said, waving your hand. 

Loki blinked and teleported away for a moment before coming back with a couple of fruits, tossing you one "You shouldn't starve yourself for the sake of convenience" he said then sat back down with an apple, beginning to peel it with a small knife. You looked at the orange he tossed and smiled "Hey, Loki? I'm sorry about uh... About this morning." you said, beginning to peel your fruit. 

He shrugged "It's understandable, I'd drag you down with me if I was suffering such a racket... I'm waiting for my apology for yesterday," he said, smiling at you as he continued to peel. You scoffed and began eating your fruit "As if I'm going to apologize for that, I'm proud of that." you said, making him frown "Are you sure about that?" he asked, continuing to peel. You pretend to think then nodded "1000% am still proud," you said, earning a shrug "Then I suppose you don't want my help with teleportation?" he asked. 

You shook your head "Actually, I practiced a few days before I got here, I can teleport just fine thank you" you said with a smirk before popping more fruit in your mouth. Loki chuckled and shrugged "If you insist my lady," he said, holding out a piece of apple on his knife for you.

You went to take it when he recoiled, holding it closer to your mouth with a smirk, to which you rolled your eyes and ate it. He chuckled then held up the apple peel, in one long piece "Impressive, I could never do that" you said, gesturing it "You learn quickly... Hold out your arm" he said, you complied and he began wrapping the apple peel around your arm "Uh... Loki?" you asked, confused and concerned. 

He glanced up "You're weak, but your powers may draw people that are not, this is a protection tome, it will call to the nearest god an order of protection." he said finishing wrapping it, he waved his hands as cold golden magic began to float around your forearm before turning into a snake tattoo with a blue body and hypnotizing red eyes. 

You smiled "Woah, cool! Thank you." you said, smiling at Loki then looked back and it was gone "Hey," you said with a pout. Loki laughed "Don't worry he's still there." he said then stood "As much as I don't want to I need to go to sparring practice. Care to join me?" he asked. You shook your head "I was being serious about the dizzy thing, I'll finish my fruit and probably listen to some tunes. Come get me when Dinner is here?" you asked. He nodded and walked over to the door, taking his things "Look forward to working with you again" he said simply then stepped out. You smiled and blushed slightly, pushing your hair behind your ear.

(Sorry for the short chapter!)

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