26. A Fight

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 Warning: Mentions of suicide, choking

You shook your head and sat up "I genuinely don't know... But maybe you can help me." you said, he looked over to hear your suggestion "Fury wants me to try and pull Sol out again." you said. Loki furrowed his brow angrily "The last two times she's made an appearance it is only because you were near death" he said, you nodded slowly before inhaling deeply.

"And I know it sucks but I think it's a good idea-" 


"She's the only one who has some semblance of an idea as to what's happening, to me, with the prophecy, Mani, everything. If I can just talk to her for just a moment I can-" 

Loki shook his head, adjusting so he was staring at you "So what, do you want someone to shoot you again?" you frowned and glared "At this point, if that's what it takes I'll do it. Loki I've lived with this for years and I'm sick of being kept in the shadows!" you snapped. 

He glared, seemingly with a snarl "(Y/N) that is the stupidest thing you've suggested! I understand you want answers but you don't even know if that's how it works just yet, I absolutely forbid this insane idea!" he said, so you stood "Loki I was just letting you know about what Director Fury asked of me, frankly, I don't need YOUR permission for jack shit!" you yelled. 

You turned to leave when he stood and grabbed your wrist, yanking you back "You will promise me that you're not going to hurt yourself over this insane idea, (Y/N), promise me!" he snapped, squeezing your wrist tightly. You winced then glared at him "I was going to ask you to be on standby to heal me but-" he cut you off, yanking you over to him, and grabbed you by your shoulders. "But nothing, you are not allowed to talk about this ridiculous theory again!" he yelled then grabbed you by your chin. 

"Do you understand me, (Y/N)?!" you glared, holding his hand "It's my life in my hands I don't report to you!" he glared, moving his hand to your throat quickly, just wanting you to listen "I will not allow it! If I have to stay awake this entire trip to watch you I will do it!" he yelled as you tried pulling on his hand, feeling it tighten. You groaned a little, still glaring at him as your breathing hitched

"Why are you so upset?! I can heal myself just fine!"

"You can't go around hurting yourself hoping for some twisted form of progress!"

"Twisted progress is better than none at all!" you struggled against him, his grip unknowingly tightening



He froze

"... What?" 

You choked a little and tapped his arm before he realized that he'd been holding you by the throat in the air and dropped you with a solid thud on the ground. 

You gasped and coughed, holding your hand by your throat, not wanting to touch it. Loki bent down to help when he was pushed back into a tree by Wanda "(Y/N!)" she exclaimed, coming over to your side "It's fine, I'm fine. Let him go." "Fine nothing, he was choking you!" she said. You shook your head, a little dizzy. "Wanda please, I'm fine," you said as Thor held you steady on your feet.

Wanda watched you hesitantly then sighed and dropped him harshly with a grunt before glaring at him "If I ever see you put your hands on her again I will rip you apart like I did your old boss." she seethed before turning to you, her upset demure seemed to melt away as she ushered you inside "I'll be with her tonight... Keep an eye on him," she said. 

Loki sat up after a moment "Wanda!" he yelled, she snapped her head over as you looked away "Don't leave her alone. I'll get to her, I swear it." he hissed viciously, rushing to bring you in. She walked you two back up to your room "What the hell was that about?" She asked as she sat you down on the bed "Fury has an assignment for me while I'm here and Loki's not-" "-I meant the part about blowing your head off." Wanda said, eyes glistening with tears. 

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