31. Satiated

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You shuddered as the cold air hit your chest, barely covered by your sports bra for a moment before Loki yanked it upward roughly, earning a soft moan. He smirked and leaned down, peppering your collar with kisses "Mmm..." he looked up "No more protesting my sweet? Have my advances worn you down?" he asked as you whimpered. You shook your head "I... It just feels so good... It's been so long..." you trailed, fighting weakly as he kissed and rubbed and pinched at your chest. 

You two hadn't had sex since you agreed not to, and while you two only fell more and more in love, it was very hard to keep your hands off of each other all this time. He groaned as you two hit the bed, he began to kiss down your stomach "Worry, not darling... I only intend to bring you that piece of the heavens reserved for you." he said in between kissing down your body, dragging his nose slightly after his kisses as he continued to pull down your uniform.

You whimpered a little and bit your lip, no more fighting temptation, you just wanted to give in and let him pull you down into the throes of ecstasy you felt those months ago. He knelt on the floor as you laid on the bed, your legs over the edge as your back laid bare on the bed, panting heavily as he ripped you of your uniform, the stress of the test and the worries of your venture being taken with it. He began kissing his way down where your thigh meets your hip, raising your leg up onto his shoulder and spreading the other leg to the side, widening your stance as his fingers traced the inside of your thigh. 

He pulled back, reaching up to your opening as he kissed around it "Worry not about anything outside of this room... I only want to hear you moan and squirm under me, nothing more." he said before putting his mouth on you, beginning to slide his finger inside of you. You threw your head back as you felt yourself opening to him easily "Ahhh, kept yourself ready for me have you?" he asked as he was able to move his finger with ease in and out of you. 

You blushed and looked away "Loki..." you trailed, not caring to be teased, only to make him grin and begin sucking on your clit, making you whimper and arch your hips. He chuckled, pumping his finger rhythmically as his laugh sent vibrations throughout your body, causing you to shiver.

'You're so sensitive down here... Would you be able to cum from something as tame as this? I sincerely hope not... I don't plan on letting go until your taste coats my palette.'

You moaned out as he added another finger, beginning to pump into you as his tongue circled just outside your sensitive button. You bit your lip, bucking your hips slightly as you felt yourself become closer and closer to that ever-dodging edge. A series of eager whimpers and groans escape your lips as he persisted, delving his tongue around as his fingers move through you.

'There's no way I can deny you any longer then... You've been such a good girl... Now cum for me, my queen, cry out my name.' he thought, beginning to suckle at the spot he'd been dancing around, causing you to gasp and buck onto his mouth a few more times

"Ahh~ AHH~! LOKI!!" you exclaimed, arching your back into him as you came on his fingers, tangling your fingers into his hair as he stayed, pleasuring you slowly through your orgasm, as though he were lapping it up. After a moment he pulled out and crawled over you, putting the fingers he just pleased you with into your mouth, making you suck them clean, which you eagerly did 

"Suck your lust from my fingers little one, savor what a whore tastes like" he hissed into your mouth, making you moan and twitch more. He smirked and kissed your jaw, pulling you closer to him, his bulge just barely brushing your side "What about you my King?" you asked as you rolled over, hand groping down his side as he growled deeply. 

You chuckled a little as he smiled "I wasn't planning on it but hearing you call me that sends a craving I simply can't satiate by myself" he said as your hands went to his hip, tugging at his trousers slightly before he grabbed your hand and shook his head. He leaned his forehead to you "I have a better idea my love" he whispered then flipped you two over so you were on top of him, straddling his bulge.

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